Home Page

Manor Class

Class Information




Class Teacher: Mr. Connelly

HLTA: Mrs. Howard

Class TAs: Miss Longhorn & Mrs. Patton




Days: Monday & Tuesday

Indoor Kit: White t-shirt, Black Shorts, Change of Shoes (Pumps or Clean Trainers)

Outdoor Kit: White t-shirt, Jumper/Hoody/Tracksuit Top, Black Shorts/Tracksuit Bottoms, Change of Shoes (Trainers)


Other Information


Snack: Children should bring a snack for our mid-morning break. This can be fruit or vegetables, a low sugar cereal bar or plain biscuits.

Drinks: Children should bring a labelled reusable bottle. This should be filled with water and children may refill throughout the day. If children prefer, they may have diluted juice. Children must not bring energy drinks, fizzy drinks or pure juice.
