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Home Learning Year 1


In the event that the school has to close, there will be weekly resources uploaded to this page for your child to complete. Please use the exercise book and pencil given to complete these. This can be brought back when we school re-opens. Thank you.

PLEASE NOTE: This page has all activities on for ALL year 1 children in Percy and Wroots class.


PLEASE MAKE SURE you date and title all of your work in your exercise book.

Below you will find each week has been set out by daily activities. As much as you can, please complete these. However, we do not expect children to be doing the same quantity of work they complete in schools. So, please read with/to your child, spend time playing games, bake, teach them skills and enjoy the time you have together. 

I would love to hear about everything you get up to and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or questions. To contact me please do so through the class twitter. Twitter username is: @MissRustonMPS

Thank you.
