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Week commencing 29th June

Here are some activities to keep you busy this week...


Remember there is no pressure to complete them, but they are here IF you wish to.

Miss Thorp and Mrs Wright would love to see what you are all getting up to...

You can use the book that you took home to record anything.

Alternatively, you can let us know on twitter or by email.


Miss Thorp's email -

Mrs Wright's email -



P.E. for all of the family. 9am on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.


Try some yoga too...

 (Adult supervision required)



This is Miss Thorp's favourite story! Watch the video of the story on Youtube here

Can you draw a picture of Bernard the robot? 


Writing/Mark Making

Write some numbers and letters that you recognise. You could even go on a walk to see if you can see any numbers or letters. Can you spot the letters in your name?


Watch the alphablocks video. Did you spot any sounds you know?



Watch the numberblocks episode - 'The whole of me'

(Adult supervision required)


It's about adding numbers together! Something that is very tricky and you will learn about this more in F2. If you would like to have a go at adding up ask your grown up to write some sums for you!


Have a go at drawing the different number blocks.


Groovy Movers

This is a new one for you all! Have a go, its not too hard! (Adult supervision required)


 Get your grown ups to join in too, I'm sure they will love this as much as you do!



Pictures using natural objects. (examples at the bottom of the page)

Go on a walk or look round your garden and collect some natural objects like sticks, stones and leaves. Create a picture using them. Don't forget to ask your grown up to take a photograph of them to send to us!



Understanding the World

This one is fun, and messy!

Ask a grown up to give you a small piece of chocolate. Hold the chocolate in between your finger and thumb and see what happens to it. 

After a few minutes your chocolate should be melted! Why did it melt? What made it melt? What other things melt if you hold them? See if you can find anything else that will melt if you hold it in your fingers.


And a super fun way of using up melted chocolate is to make chocolate crispie buns! (examples at the bottom of the page)

You will need some chocolate, some rice crispies or cornflakes and some bun cases.

Melt the chocolate, mix in the rice crispies or cornflakes and put into the bun cases. You can decorate them with sprinkles if you like! Pop into the fridge to let the chocolate go hard. Now enjoy eating them.


Stay safe, smile and keep washing your hands! 

We miss you!
