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Week Beginning 22/2/21

Week beginning: 22/2/21

Please find the correct links below for each day of remote learning.


Please send work completed (pictures and videos are most likely) via Class Dojo. You can do this by uploading it to your child's portfolio. Work must be uploaded to their portfolio in order to receive feedback.


Please use the Oxford Owl log in provided on Class Dojo to access free eBooks. Make sure to write down in your child's yellow reading log when they have read a book, even if it is on Oxford Owl. The more points your child can get through lockdown, the closer they will be to a free book! 


Thank you so much for sharing your child/children reading with you at home.  It has been a really lovely treat for us to sit and listen to them.  Keep practicing and remember to sound out and blend those words that you might not know.  







  • Phonics (Read Write Inc.)  We are going to begin recapping our learning so far with phonics. Each day we would your child to practise saying their speed sounds, then practise reading a selection of words containing a range of different RWI sounds. 
  • Speed sounds video (same as yesterday):   
  • Have a go at reading the green words from yesterday, but see if you can do it a little quicker today:


Don't forget, of you can't remember the name of the continents you can always sing the continent song to help you!  



Wellness Wednesday 




