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Week 12 Activities 29/6/20

Week 12

Four calculations test
Maths Warm up
Maths resources

Day 1:

  • Learn your spellings for the week- watch the Power-Point and write your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube or if you would like to try some dancing go to
  • Complete Day 1 of the maths warm up PDF. Write the answers in your book.
  • In today's maths lesson you'll be refreshing our knowledge about 2D shapes. Watch this video and then complete lesson 1 above.
  • For English, open the PDF 'The QuangleWangle's hat'. Nobody knows what a Quangle Wangle is. In the poem, it says that the Quangle Wangle sits on the top of a tree. What do you think a Quangle Wangle could look like? Just imagine and draw it in the box on the sheet or in your exercise book. The poem tells us that the Quangle Wangle sits on top of the Crumpetty Tree. Can you imagine what the Crumpetty Tree looks like? Draw your idea in the box or in your exercise book.
  • We are carrying on with our 30 days wild challenge. Today we are learning about pandas! Do you know where pandas live? That's right, in China. Watch the video to find out more here
  • The listen to a story about pandas here
  • Then why not have a go at making a panda mask. Open the PDF for an idea.

Day 2:

  • Practice your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube or if you would like to try some dancing go to
  • Complete Day 2 of the maths warm up PDF. Write the answers in your book.
  • In today's maths lesson we'll be learning about 3D shapes. Watch this video and then complete lesson 2 above.
  • For reading, listen to the poem of The QuangleWangle's hat at
  • For English, open the PDF on The QuangleWangle's hat. Got to page  8. Imagine what the QuangleWangle's hat looks like and draw a picture.
  • Today's wildlife challenge is all about tigers! Listen to the story of 'The tiger who came to tea' here
  • Find out more about tigers here
  • Then have a go at making a tiger using your handprint! Open the PDF for an idea.



Day 3:


  • Practice your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube or if you would like something a little bit less strenuous try some Yoga Disco for kids at
  • Complete Day 3 of the maths warm up PDF. Write the answers in your book.
  • In today's maths lesson we will be sorting 2D and 3D shapes. See lesson 3 above. If you need some guidance take a look at this video
  • It's Wellbeing Wednesday! Today, we want you to think about how amazing you are! Draw a picture of yourself in the spaceship and write an amazing fact about yourself!
  • For English, open the PDF 'The Quanglewangle's hat'. Today you need to read page 7 and page 8. Then think about 7 animals or birds that are in the poem. Put a circle around them on the sheet or write a list in your book.
  • For our 30 days wild challenge we are thinking about caterpillars. Did you know the largest caterpillar in the world is the Hickory Horned Devil caterpillar. It can grow to 14cm long! Listen to the story of 'The cautious caterpillar' here
  • Then why not have a go at making your own edible caterpillars! Have a look at the pDF for some ideas. 

Day 4:


Day 5: 

