Home Page

Photographs - Spring Term

Classroom Displays

Spring Enterprise

Behaviour Reward - Easter Crafts - Paper Folding - Japanese Kusadame Flowers

Science - Separating materials

Computing - Adding hyperlinks to create an E-Book

Science - Dissolving investigation

Maths - Reading timetables

Science - The Solar System

Science Workshop - Moon models

Designing own OAA courses

Space themed OAA


Willow Pattern inspired plate designs

Hot Seating Sally from The Nightmare Man

Football with Scunthorpe

Wagon Safety

Fact finding - The Great Wall of China

Creating an EBook on Chinese Wildlife

Kung Fu Stances

Generating vocabulary for our free verse dragon poems


Science - making our own Solar System

Publishing our warning stories

Identifying evidence - Science

Sketching The Forbidden City - China

PE - OAA\teambuilding

Spanish - conversations

Guitars - Mr Rooke

IPads - scanning QR codes to access websites for China research

Free Choice Friday - Reading

Kung Fu Dance - Stance poses

Chinese food tasting - Duck Spring Rolls

Kung Fu Panda episodes - picking out links to China

Wow day - Handprint dragons

Wow day - 'Three friends of winter' artwork - Pine, blossom and bamboo
