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Week Commencing 1.6.20

Hello everyone, Hope you had a relaxing half term enjoying the sunshine. smiley

We hope you are all still keeping safe and well. 

Don't forget you can keep in touch with us on twitter @MissNichollsMPS and @MrsSketchMPS.

This half terms topic is 'Where in the World?' 


Reading - 

  • As our topic is ' Where in the World?' we will be focussing on the book Handa's Suprise by Eileen Browne. Follow the link below to listen to the story.              

 (please make sure your children           are supervised whilst watch Youtube)

  • After listening to the story why not try and make your own story map. Draw and use pictures to retell the story so you know it really well. 


  • Can you talk about the order of the story Handa's Suprise? In what order did the animals pinch the fruit from Handa's basket? Can you draw pictures of the animals in the correct order? or if you have a printer at home you can print off the pictures and cut and stick in the correct order.
  • Create a snuggly reading den and read or share your favourite books.

Writing - 

  • Handa's friend loves nectarines. Write some sentences about what your favourite fruit is and why you like it. Can you draw a picture of your favourite fruit too?
  • What can you see from your window? Draw a picture of the view from your window and write some sentences to describe it.
  • Some more writing activities if you would like to have a go at them.

Number - 

  • Keep practising counting from 1-20 and counting in 10's to 100. 
  • This week counting by 5's - practise counting by 5's using the song below.
  • Can you order numbers from 1-20? You could get an adult to make some number cards from 1-20 and then stick them in the correct order or cut and stick using the sheet below.
  • Have a go at some subtraction (take away) you can use things from around your house - collect some objects and count how many you have. Ask an adult how many you should take away. Count again. How many do you have left?

Shape, Space and Measure -

  • Have a go at completing these challenges about capacity, length and height. Try and record what you did in your exercise book or you could take photos etc.
Creative craft ideas - 

Some outdoor activities to have a go at...
