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Week commencing 23rd March

Week commencing 23rd March


Here are some activities to keep you busy this week...

Remember there is no pressure to complete them, but they are here IF you wish to.

Miss Thorp and Mrs Wright would love to see what you are all getting up to...

You can use the book that you took home last week to record anything. Alternatively, you can let us know on twitter or by email.


Miss Thorp's email -

Mrs Wright's email -



Daily work outs for children. 9am every week day morning. (Adult supervision required)



What is your favourite story? Read the story with an adult. Can you talk about the story in your own words?


Writing / mark making

Did you have a nice Mother's Day? Draw a picture of your mummy!



Learn the number song '10 green bottles'. 

You could collect 10 pop/milk bottles (plastic ones) and use these as props while you sing the song!


Groovy movers

Teach a grown-up the 'penguin dance'! laugh        Adult supervision is required.



Create a rainbow picture (drawing, painting, collage). Put it in your window. Can you see any rainbows in other windows?


Remember to keep an eye on twitter as teachers will be posting additional activity ideas. We would love it if you keep in touch with us.

Stay safe, and happy! laugh
