Home Page

Year 2 work and photos

Butterfly Dance

Y2 Trip to White Quarry Farm

Jewish Wedding

A visit from the King!

Investigation- What is the best way to remove bacteria from our hands?

PE in the sunshine!

St John's Ambulance Basic First Aid training

Geography- Making a journey stick

Maths- Going on a right angle hunt

Sports Day

Visit from a dragonologist

Waterways visit

Horrid Henry unit of work- Instructions on how to make a stink bomb

Who lives here topic- Woodlice enquiry

Who lives here topic- going on a bug hunt

Who lives here topic- making bug huts

Interviewing 'The Cat'

Interviewing Gretel

Interviewing 'The farmer'

Marvellous Materials

Visit to Eastrington Church

Weather Experts


The Great Fire of London
