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Week Commencing 13th July

Here are some activities to keep you busy this week...


Remember there is no pressure to complete them, but they are here IF you wish to.

Miss Thorp and Mrs Wright would love to see what you are all getting up to...

You can use the book that you took home to record anything.

Alternatively, you can let us know on twitter or by email.


Miss Thorp's email -

Mrs Wright's email -


This week it's all about Sports Day activities!


Pick as many or as few of the activities from the table below and have fun!



Get a point

Bonus Point

How many hand ‘keepie uppies’ can you do?


Scrunch up some paper or use a soft ball. Use your hand to keep the item up in the air.


If you participate in this challenge

Highest amount of keepie uppies gets the point


Rubbish bin Basketball- Who can shoot the scrunched up paper into the bin?

5 attempts you get only.

If you participate in this challenge

1 bonus point if you get it in

1 bonus point for most creative way to throw your shot.

How many claps can you do when you throw the ball up in the air?

If you participate in this challenge

Highest amount of claps gets the point


Hop, skip, Jump- How far can you jump?


If you don’t have enough space just do a standing long jump. Stand in one place and see how far you can jump.

If you participate in this challenge

Highest distance gets the point


Egg and Spoon- How many lengths of the garden/room can you do in a minute? If you drop it pick it up and carry on.


Boil the egg- If an egg is too precious to use at this time choose something else.

If you participate in this challenge

Highest number of lengths gets a point

If you succeed the whole minute without dropping it you also get a point


Can you sprint for 30 secs on the spot?

If you participate in this challenge

Whoever sprints for the whole time without stopping you get a point

How man sit ups can you do in a minute?

If you participate in this challenge

Whoever gets the highest amount of situps gets a point.

Water race.

Fill a bowl with water, fill a cup and race to the other bowl/sink. Run back. How many cups of water can you put in the bowl/sink in a minute.


If you participate in this challenge

Whoever fills the most cups of water up gets the point.

Speed bounce- how many jumps can you do in a minute over an object?

If you participate in this challenge

Highest amount of Jumps wins the point.


Bin bag/ pillow case race- get a bin bag how long does it take you to get from one side of the garden/room and back.


If there is enough space all race together at the same time.


If you participate in this challenge

Quickest Time Wins the point

Or whoever wins in the race wins a point

Golf target challenge


Use a cup/pan on its side for the hole. Use a golf ball/tennis ball/scrunched up paper and shoot it into the cup/pan using hands/feet/dust pan brush/broom.

You decide as a family distance you shoot from- make it a little challenging!

5 attempts


If you participate in this challenge

If you get it in you get a point

Obstacle Course


Make up your own obstacle course. E.g. Crawl under the table, slide along the floor, step across the chairs, walk across the sofa, go into your bedroom and jump on the bed once.


If you participate in this challenge

Fastest to complete the course gets a point

How many times can you throw a ball into a bucket/pan in a minute?

If you participate in this challenge

Person who throws it in the most gets a point


How long can you hold a balance for?


Can you make up a challenging or creative balance.

If you participate in this challenge

Person holding the balance for the longest gets a point

Person who has the most challenging/creative balance

Three Legged Race


Choose a partner. Time how long it takes you to get from one side of the garden/room and back.


If there is enough of you and space, have a three legged race at the same time.

If you participate in this challenge

If you do a three legged race with the family- whichever pair wins gets the bonus point.
