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Autumn term

The big man himself popped in for a quick wave! Merry Christmas

RE - Christingle

D&T project - design a chair fit for a queen!

A few examples of similes thinking of Bonfire Night. The start of our poems.

Science - our waterproof experiment on different materials, using wax crayons.

Maths - using 1p coins to make amounts

Salt painting firework pictures

Science experiment - which material is more absorbent?

RE - Remembrance Day poppies. We are very proud of their pictures.

Science experiment - which ball is the bounciest (materials matter)

Yoga time. We love yoga.

RE diva lamps

Our bonfire night celebration of our Guy Fawkes topic, making a nature friendly school Guy Fawkes to put on the fire and sparklers as a treat! We had a great day!

Chatting during PSHE.

Halloween day 2021

RE - making our Sukkot using the imagination playground.

Making and performing our town crier speeches in history.

Maths - using the inequality signs and dienes working in pairs.

A few lessons from our gymnastics lessons developing our balance, core strength, precise movements.

Science: looking at different materials around school.

WOW day baking using a 1666 recipe. Most of the children enjoyed them!

Our hook for our new story: “How Coyote brought fire to the earth”

Round Dahl day!

Maths partitioning: Counting in 10s, using 10s.

Science: Looking at materials and their uses.

RE: Belonging - We made class badges

RE: making Mezuzah’s and talking about the Jewish faith.

Jigsaw, “Being me in my world”: Thinking about any worries we may have.