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Week 2 Activities 30/3/20

Week 2 

Four Calculations Test

Grammar Activity


Maths Warm-Up

Day 1:

  • Complete the reading comprehension below. If you don't have a printer then copy out the answers in your exercise book.
  • Learn your spellings for the week- watch the Power-Point and write your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete Day 1 of the maths warm up PDF. Write the answers in your book.
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube or if you would like something a little bit less strenuous try some Yoga for kids at
  • Go out into your garden and complete the bird survey (see below). If you don't have a printer then write the names of the birds you see and complete a tally chart in your exercise book.
  • Sing along to 'Scratch Garden Count in 10s' on YouTube. (PARENT: Please supervise your child when they are on YouTube watching this video)
  • Write your 10 times table as far as you can get in your exercise book.

  • Today is the 30th March ... can you do 30 jumping jacks, 30 high knees and 30 giant steps? Do them all outside if you can; the fresh air will do you good!

Day 2:

  • Practise your spellings.
  • Complete day 2 of the maths warm-up.
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE lesson or for something lesson strenuous try yoga for kids at
  • Follow the recipe to make a pizza. You will need an adult to help you with this.
  • Sing along to 'Scratch Garden Count in 3s' on YouTube. (PARENT: Please supervise your child when they are on YouTube watching this video)
  • In your books, start at 36 and skip count backwards in 3s. Write down the numbers.

  • Today is 31st March; what other months have 31 days?

Day 3:

  • Practise your spellings
  • Complete day 3 of maths warm-ups
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE leasson or for something lesson strenuous try yoga for kids at
  • Watch the video clip about plants
  • In your book, draw a diagram of a plant in your garden and label the parts.
  • Sing along to 'Rocket Dan Friends of Twenty' on YouTube. (PARENT: Please supervise your child when they are on YouTube watching this video)
  • The answer is 20cm what is the question? Write the possible questions in your exercise books.

  • Today is 1st April ... April Fools Day! On April Fools day you need to play a practical joke on someone and then say "April Fool!" when they fall for it. Have you played an April Fools joke on anyone today? Can you write about what happened in your book? Don't forget to use the correct punctuation. 




Day 4:

  • Practise your spellings.
  • Complete day 4 of maths warm ups.
  • Complete Joe Wicks PE or for something lesson strenuous try kids yoga at
  • Read the story 'The making of Milton' below, then make your own courage jar.
  • Sing along to 'Scratch Garden Count in 2s' on YouTube. (PARENT: Please supervise your child when they are on YouTube watching this video)
  • In your exercise books .... how many 2s in 20?

    How many ways can you make 20? Write them out in your book.

  • CHALLENGE - Can you make 20 using a subtraction number sentence?

Day 5:

  • Ask an adult to test you on your spellings.
  • Complete day 5 of maths warm-ups.
  • Complete your four calculations test.
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE lesson or go to Cosmic Kids Yoga for a yoga session
  • Watch this short clip about Amelia Earhart, then follow the instructions below to make a paper aeroplane.
  • Sing along to 'Scratch Garden Count in 5s' on YouTube. (PARENT: Please supervise your child when they are on YouTube watching this video)
  • Remember; counting in 5s can help us tell the time. 

    In your books write out what time it is now. What time will it be in 1 hour?

    What time did you go to bed? What time did you get up?

  • CHALLENGE - using these times can you work out how long were you in bed for?
