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Autumn Term 2020

English: Hook Cinderella 14.09.2020

English: Creating Our Text Map 15.09.2020

Science: Exploring Rocks 15.09.2020

History: When Manor Class became 'Stone-Age Hunter Gatherer's' 21.09.2020

PE: Indoor Athletics with Hull FC 23.09.2020

Art: Designing our 'Pre-Historic Cave Art' 24.09.2020

Art: Completed Cave Art 01.10.2020

Science: How Permeable is Soil Investigation 15.10.2020

Science: Fantastic Fossils and Their Formation 16.10.2020

RE: Remembrance Day Silhouette 20.10.2020

Art and Craft: Halloween Plant Pot Monster 23.10.2020

English: Hook 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' 03.11.2020

DT: Practicing a Running Stitch 18.11.2020

Science: Making Pizza Using the Food Groups 19.11.2020

Christmas: Manor Class by the Tree Photos 07.12.2020

Reading: Reading Rewards 17.12.2020
