English - In this lesson, we will look at an example of an advert and discuss its PAL - purpose, audience and language. Children will then write their own sentences using a comparative and a superlative.
Maths warm-up- practise your eight times table
Maths Today we are going to be solving open ended questions using our place value knowledge.
RE – In this lesson we are looking at another faith, Islam. You will look at how Islam began and look at the Prophet Muhammad who established the religion following revelations from the Angel Gabriel.
The spelling rule is- suffixes (letters added to the end of a root word) that begin with a vowel, doubling the end letter before adding er, ed, ing, or en.
forgotten beginning preferring occurring
forgetting beginner preferred occurred
Test yourself to see how you do.
English - In this lesson, we will further explore the rules associated with adding the suffixes -er and -est.
Maths warm-up- practise your 4 times table with the hippy unicorn
Maths Today we are going to be applying all that we have learnt in this unit and practise answering different styles of questions.
Topic - In this lesson we will learn about how the Romans conquered Britain. We will begin by looking at why Emperor Claudius chose to invade Britain and the key differences between the Roman and Celtic armies. Finally, we will look at how the Romans built towns and cities across Britain.
English - In this lesson, children will explore prepositions of place and time. First, they will look at some pictures of a koala, describe what its position is, and complete a short task filling in the missing prepositions of place. Then, children will identify when we use the prepositions 'at' 'in' and 'on' in relation to time and see if they can spot a rule. Finally, children will fill in the missing prepositions of time in some sentences
Maths warm-up- practise your 5 times-table
Maths - Today, we are moving on to a new unit in maths; time. It’s an important life skill that you will use everyday of your life! This lesson will move you on to telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes, past the hour.
PE - If you are wanting to try something different to PE with Joe Wicks, then you can try the ‘Comic Kids Yoga Quest Challenge’. (Cosmic Kids) (PE with Joe)
PSHE - In today’s lesson, you will understand the need for rules and laws in society and you will deliver a speech to the people in your town.
English - In this lesson, children will sort healthy and unhealthy snacks. We will discuss a healthy diet and what foods make up a healthy diet. Children will think about what makes a snack healthy. Scientific vocabulary will be introduced: protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals.
Maths warm-up- practise your three-times table
Maths - This lesson will move you on to telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes, to the hour.
Science - In this lesson, we will look at how we can tell if a material is magnetic or not and also learn how to make our own magnets!
English - In this lesson, we will introduce new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences.
Maths warm-up- practise your 10 times table
Maths - In this lesson you will match events to the appropriate times and then sequence the events.
Music - In this lesson, we are going to explore music with 3 beats in a bar.
Reading - In this lesson, we will develop reading for pleasure through book recommendations and then discuss and describe character traits of our favourite characters.
Additional activities
Brum Brum! Learn how to draw a car.
Exercise! During lockdown it’s really important that we exercise. Remember in science we found out that exercise is just as important for our mind and our overall wellbeing as it is our bodies. Now that we’re learning about time in maths, I wonder how many star-jumps you could do in 1 minute? High knees? Or burpees? I’m sure there’s lots of exercises that you can think of. Maybe you could write a list and see if you get better over the week – or set yourself a challenge for the month.
Bake! I baked the vegan chocolate chip cookies last week and I thought they were amazing! This week why not try the Roman rocky road recipe.
Help out! Lockdown is hard on our parents and carers too. They have so much to do! What can you do to help? Dominik has been busy tidying his room, Olivia has been mopping the floor and Loui helped with the washing up! What could you do?
Birdwatch! It’s the RSPB annual bird watch this weekend. Why not use the sheet provided to look for and make a note of all the garden birds that you can spot in your garden or local park?