Home Page

Oak Class

Summer 2021

Welcome back! 


Class Teachers; Mrs Harrison and Mrs Latham

Teaching Assistants; Mrs Ford and Mrs Robinson


English; Setting description and newspaper reports


Maths; the four calculations


Science; Light & dark


Geography Topic; Extreme Earth


PE days; Tuesday (badminton) and Wednesday (Hull FC Rugby)

View the medium term plan to see what we will be learning and how you can support from home...

Spring 2021

Welcome back! We've had a much longer break than expected and we're ready to share lots of fun activities and learning with you over the rest of the the Spring Term.


Class Teachers; Mrs Harrison and Mrs Latham

Teaching Assistants; Mrs Ford and Mrs Robinson


English; Letters and Diaries


Maths; Time, Romans numerals and statistics


Science; Plants


History Topic; The Romans


PE days; Tuesday and Friday



Autumn 2020

We are so excited to be welcoming you all to Oak Class and Year 3! 

In this half term we will looking at 'Traditional Tales' in English and how we can change these tales to create our own stories. In mathematics we will be looking at place value and the value each digit represents. Within Topic we will be studying the 'Stone Age' and investigating how these humans survived and how we know so much about them.

Our PE days are Monday afternoons (indoor) and Friday afternoons (outdoor) so you will need kits in school on these days.


We have so many fun activities planned for us to have an amazing first term back.


Looking forward to seeing you all.

Mrs Harrison & Mrs Latham.


We are Oak Class!

Wow Day Fun!

Look at some of the fantastic Stonehenge collages made by Oak Class.

Look at some of our Remembrance Day pictures!

We made new trousers for Ug!

Our Christingle Celebrations!

Our Stars of the Week

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week beginning- 2.11.20

Week beginning 14/11/20 Well done Olivia!

Week beginning 16/11/20

Week beginning 23/11/20

Week beginning 30/11/20

Week beginning 7/12/20

Week Beginning 14/12/20


Our decorated egg winner

Staff List-

Teachers -     Mrs Harrison

                      Mrs Latham


Teaching Assistants-  Mrs Robinson (1:1 TA)


Class Support - Mrs Howard

                         Mrs Patton


