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Week Commencing 1st June

Here are some activities to keep you busy this week...


Remember there is no pressure to complete them, but they are here IF you wish to.

Miss Thorp and Mrs Wright would love to see what you are all getting up to...

You can use the book that you took home to record anything.

Alternatively, you can let us know on twitter or by email.


Miss Thorp's email -

Mrs Wright's email -



Daily work outs for all of the family. 9am every week day morning.


Or you can try some yoga!

 (Adult supervision required)



Have you read the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'?

Watch it on youtube here

Then see if you can tell a grown up what happened in the story!



Writing/Mark Making

Have a go at making up your own story!

"Once upon a time there lived ..."   Draw pictures to help to tell your story and then tell it to a grown up.



Watch the numberblocks episode 'number 6'

(Adult supervision required)

Count out groups of things to make 6. Have a go at writing the number 6. Can you count to 6 by yourself?


Groovy Movers

The chicken dance! Time to dance like a chicken! Get your grown ups to join in too!

(adult supervision required)



Make a rainbow picture. We would love to see them! Post a picture to us on twitter or email us to show us your rainbow creations.


Understanding the World

The weather has been really HOT for a few days. Can you make a list of clothes and things you might wear in the hot weather? What things do we need to do to keep safe in hot weather?


Stay safe, smile and keep washing your hands! 

We miss you!
