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At Marshlands Primary School, we follow Jigsaw to support our teaching of the PSHE curriculum.  While this is our main teaching tool, we also address PSHE across everything we do in school.  We have assemblies on body image and social media pressures, we model fairness and equality and support our local community to name a few.

We are aware the challenges our pupils face and alongside timetabled lessons and an embedded RSHE curriculum throughout school, we also use the local data for East Riding to address areas within our context.  This allows us to focus in on specific areas perhaps either a little longer or as a new area running alongside the planned curriculum.


Examples of this are Change for Life clubs and food swap data shared with families to support with reducing Obesity in the East Riding.  Brush bus in  our FSU, where all pupils learn to brush their teeth and do this in school daily, to reduce dental decay in children. 

Alongside the statutory requirements and supporting issues based on local data, we also focus on particular needs of our pupils as they arise.  For example, we had a focus on road safety following a pupil being knocked over.  From this we offer safe cycling lessons, pedestrian safety lessons, offered a free workshop where bikes could be left in school and they could be fixed (if possible) for free.  We also worked with the local PCSO regarding unsafe parking outside of the school gates.

As statutory guidance changes, we ensure our pupils are aware of this also.  For example a whole school assembly on sexual harassment and appropriate behaviour towards peers.  

We also make sure that pupils are aware of mental health and see this as just as important as physical health.   To support this we have a designated minister for mental health and well being. 

