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Year 3

Week Commencing 13th July 


Hello Year 3/4, and welcome to your final week of tasks for this school year! Before we get into the nitty gritty can we please start by saying just how proud we are of each and everyone of you. It has been such a strange and unusual few months and you have all handled the situation with strength, positivity and determination. Well done!


T Mr Smith, Miss Howe and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for all of your hard work this year. We are extremely sad that our time was cut short with you all but are grateful for the time that we got to spend with you. You are all superstars!


Below is your final week of tasks. Please get in touch if need any help with anything, or even if you would just like a chat. We are always available to you. We hope to see some of you in the week for our assemblies.




Inspirational Quote




Follow the link to watch daily news round shows:


English (including: Writing, SPAG and Reading).


Work your way through each day of English at Each daily task will vary from:

- Reading

- Writing

- SPAG. 


Additional Task: Have a look at the image below carefully and read (or ask an adult to read) the text to you. After reading the text, can you answer the questions / complete the task?


The Visitors


It was the middle of the night when they came.

A typical autumn evening, there was a scattering of fallen, auburn leaves on the highway. Light leaked from a flickering streetlamp, which buzzed faintly as the light bulb struggled.

The wind moaned quietly, and the leaves crackled as they rose and fell, dancing as if controlled by an unseen puppet master.

A humming noise was the first sign of their arrival. In the distance at first, then filling the street as it came closer. It hovered several feet from the road, tilting slightly from side to side as if surveying the land around.

A little girl gasped as she watched from her bedroom window…


Question time!

  • What has the little girl seen?
  • Who is the little girl, and where is she watching from?
  • Why is she not asleep?
  • What was the first sign of the object’s arrival?
  • What is the object?
  • Where has it come from?
  • Has anyone else seen it?
  • What will happen next?


Perfect picture!

  • Can you draw a picture of where the ship has come from?



This week your focus is 'Capacity'. Work your way through week 12 of The White Rose Maths home learning page- please find the resources below.


Don't forget to practice your times tables as well! Have a click on the link below and practice singing your times tables to some catchy beats. Maybe you could ask a grown up to test you on your times tables knowledge?


White Rose Maths (Capacity Week 12)

Answers to Week 12 (Capacity)

Transition Activity


We would like you to create a poster all about you for your new teacher! This can be a painting, drawing or collage but it must be full of all of the things that you really like! Have a look at some of the ideas below!





Remember to bring them in on your first day of school for your new teacher!


Week Commencing 6th July


Hello again everyone! We hope that you all continue to be safe and well. We just want to take a minute to say how extremely proud we are of each and everyone of you. You have all been absolute superstars throughout, what has been, such an unusual time. We are so proud of your positive attitudes and continued commitment to your learning. Not long now until you can have a school break and enjoy the summer (lets hope the sunshine comes back)!


 Please find below your work for this week. Remember you can contact your teacher any time on their twitter accounts. We are always available to help with any learning but we also enjoy just hearing from you and seeing some of the fun and wonderful things that you are all up to!


You can contact us using DM or  @MrsLaverackMPS@MrSmith81379864, @HumberClassMps or @MarshlandsGoole



Inspirational Quote


Brain Teaser


Look carefully at the picture below. How many hidden animals can you find?






Follow the link to watch daily news round shows:



English (including: Writing, SPAG and Reading).


Work your way through each day of English at Each daily task will vary from:

- Reading

- Writing

- SPAG. 


Additional Task: Have a look at the image below carefully and read (or ask an adult to read) the text to you. After reading the text, can you answer the questions / complete the task?


The Mysterious Door

On a quiet day, you can sometimes hear them. Every now and then, there’s be a tapping or a scraping or a rustling from behind the door. Occasionally (if you’re patient enough to sit for the whole day and watch), movement can be glimpsed through the dark windows. Once, just once, the faint sound of whispering in hushed tones was heard.

The boy had spent his entire summer holidays wishing for something to emerge from the mysterious door. He had spent yet another sunny morning hiding in the tall grass at the bottom of his garden just staring at the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of something or someone extraordinary.

The moment he had been waiting for had finally arrived…The door began to slowly creak open…



Question time!

  • What will emerge from the tiny door?
  • How will the boy react to seeing it emerge?
  • ‘The Borrowers’ is a book by Mary Norton about little people called ‘Borrowers’ who borrow things from people’s houses. What do you think the difference is between borrowing and stealing? Have you ever borrowed something, but then forgotten to give it back? Is that stealing?
  • If we borrow every single book from a library, is that borrowing? Is it still a library?
  • If I ask you if I can steal your pencil case and you say yes, is that stealing?


Perfect picture!

  • Can you draw a picture of what will emerge from the tiny door?



This week's spelling rule is words ending with the /g/ sound spelt -gue 

  • league
  • plague
  • rogue
  • vogue



  • knot
  • not
  • weather
  • whether


Statutory Spellings:

  • medicine
  • promise


Please complete a spelling test on Friday.



Additional Task: Continue any spellings that you found really tricky from last week.


Game for this weeks spelling rule:




Games to support you with your spellings:




This week your focus is 'Measuring'. Work your way through week 11 of The White Rose Maths home learning page- please find the resources below.


Don't forget to practice your times tables as well! Have a click on the link below and practice singing your times tables to some catchy beats. Maybe you could ask a grown up to test you on your times tables knowledge?




We have been learning about 'Rivers' as part of our topic work. Over the next few weeks we are going to be researching, and comparing rivers around the world- so make sure to keep your notes handy! Over the last few weeks you have researched the River Severn and the Amazon River. This week we are going to be focusing on a different river...


This week, we are going to be re-introduced to the 'River Nile'. We learnt about this river during our Egyptian topic.



Can you research, and use your knowledge, to answer the questions below about this river?



  1. Where is the source of this river?
  2. How long is it?
  3. What cities does it run through?
  4. What countries does it run through?
  5. Can you draw this river on a map?
  6. Which sea does it filter into?
  7. Find 5 interesting facts about this River. These could include;
  • How it’s used
  • Towns and cities
  • Floods




We would like you to look at the three rivers that you have researched over the last few weeks and compare them (this is where you will need your notes) 


Can you identify:

- Similarities

- Differences



Can you work with a grown up to create an 'All About Me' collage? This should be a picture of you (that you have drawn, painted, photo) surrounded by the things that you enjoy the most. 



Week commencing 29th June


Hi 3/4 laugh! We hope that you are all still well, keeping busy and having fun in this glorious sunshine! Below are some tasks for you to do throughout this week. Remember to have regular breaks and do fun things too!


Please remember that you can get in touch with your teacher at any time to share your work, ask for help or even just for a chat, using either the private message on Twitter or using @MrsLaverackMPS@MrSmith81379864, @HumberClassMps or @MarshlandsGoole. 



We all miss you at school and love to hear from you and see your pictures!

Inspirational Quote of the Week


NEW!! Brain Teaser


Look at the picture below really carefully. Can you find the cat among the owls?



Tweet me your answers using DM to @MrsLaverackMPS.

Have fun! smiley


Additional Challenge: This one is harder than it looks! You have to say the colour of each word, not read the word.

  • Who can get the fastest time?





Follow the link to watch daily news round shows:


English (including: Writing, SPAG and Reading).


Work your way through each day of English at Each daily task will vary from:

- Reading

- Writing

- SPAG. 


Additional Task: Have a look at the image below carefully and read (or ask an adult to read) the text to you. After reading the text, can you answer the questions / complete the task?



Now, all was still. All was calm. The ship lay there, as if in a peaceful slumber, gently rocking like a baby’s cradle in the tranquil bay. The sea barely moved. It was covered in a thin layer of wispy mist that sat on top of the water like a comforting blanket, gently illuminated by the fading sunlight.

A bird landed gently on the mast of the lonely ship, pleased to have found a resting place after a long journey.

Everything seemed to have turned blood-red. The sun looked down on the bay from his position in the sky, soon to go to sleep himself, casting a crimson light over the clouds and the milky water in the bay…



Question Time…

  • What colour is the sea? Is it blue?
  • Why is this sea not blue?
  • Where have the crew gone?
  • How long has the ship been like this?
  • What’s the difference between a sea and an ocean? Is there a difference?
  • What’s the difference between a lake and an ocean?
  • If a millionaire is shipwrecked on an island, are they still a millionaire?


Writing Time…

  • What had happened here? Why was it so peaceful? Had it always been so?
  • Can you tell the story of the shipwreck, describing how it happened? Think about where the crew are now…Are they safe or in danger?
  • You could write the story from the perspective of one of the crew, or you could write as the bird sitting on the mast.




Your spelling rule this week is 'words with the /ʃ/ sound spelt ch (mostly French in origin)'

  • chef
  • chalet
  • crochet
  • charade



  • main
  • mane
  • break
  • brake


Statutory spellings: 

  • women
  • fruit


Please complete a spelling test on Friday.


Additional Task: Continue any spellings that you found really tricky from last week.



Game for this weeks spelling rule:


Games to support you with your spellings:




This week your focus is 'Shape and Time'. Work your way through week 10 of The White Rose Maths home learning page- please find the resources below.


Don't forget to practice your times tables as well! Have a click on the link below and practice singing your times tables to some catchy beats. Maybe you could ask a grown up to test you on your times tables knowledge?




We have been learning about 'Rivers' as part of our topic work. Over the next few weeks we are going to be researching, and comparing rivers around the world- so make sure to keep your notes handy! Last week you did lots of research about the 'River Severn' in the UK. This week we are going to be focusing on a different river...


This week, we are going to be introduced to the 'Amazon River'



Using the links below, and any others that you can find, can you research the 'Amazon River':


Now you have had a good watch/read we would like you to use your research to answer some questions! Remember to keep your work safe once complete as you will need it in future weeks.



  1. Where is the source of this river?
  2. How long is it?
  3. What cities does it run through?
  4. What countries does it run through?
  5. Can you draw this river on a map?
  6. Which sea does it filter into?
  7. Find 5 interesting facts about this River. These could include;
  • How it’s used
  • Towns and cities
  • Floods


If you find any other interesting points or information make sure you make a note of those too!



Can you make a painting / model / sculpture of an animal that can be found on, or along, the Amazon River.

Animals found could include:

  • Piranha
  • Alligators
  • River Dolphins
  • Capybara


Have a look at some pictures of these animals below:


Alligator    Alligator



River Dolphin 





Week commencing 22nd June


Hello everyone. We hope that you are all safe and well. There have been some absolutely fabulous pieces of work shared with us on Twitter this week, well done! Also some lovely pictures of fun things that you are all up to. Thank you for sharing with us, it really does brighten up our day!

Here are your learning tasks for this week. Please remember not to put too much pressure on yourselves during this unusual time to complete everything. Things like walks, baking and games are all just as important laugh.  Please continue to keep us updated with whatever it is you are up to- we really appreciate it.


Please remember that you can get in touch with your teacher at any time to share your work or just for a chat, using either the private message on Twitter or using @MrsLaverackMPS@MrSmith81379864, @HumberClassMps or @MarshlandsGoole.


Inspirational Quote of the Week




Follow the link to watch daily news round shows:



Stay in the know with whats happening in the world. 

English (including: Writing, SPAG and Reading).


Work your way through each day of English at Each daily task will vary from:

- Reading

- Writing

- SPAG. 


Additional Task: Have a look at the image below carefully and read (or ask an adult to read) the text to you. After reading the text, can you answer the questions / complete the task?


‘Winter is coming.’

People across the world had been saying it for years.

Now, winter had arrived, and its icy clutches were spreading. A wall of ice had been creeping over the face of the world, enveloping everything in its path, inch by frosty inch. Cities and villages, forests and rivers; all had been devoured by the ever-hungry cold. When would it all end? Would the sun ever shine again?



Question time!

  • What is causing this seemingly endless winter?
  • How do you think people will try and survive it?
  • Is the winter a bad thing for all of the creatures of the world?
  • What do you think this building was used for?
  • Where have its inhabitants gone?
  • Who do you think this statue depicts?


Perfect picture!

  • Can you design and draw a building made entirely from ice?



Learn these spellings for the week that are spelt ‘ou’ but sound like ‘u’:

  •  touch
  • young
  • double
  • trouble
  • country
  • rough



  • knot 
  • not


Statutory spellings: 

  • busy 
  • height


Please complete a spelling test on Friday.


Additional Task: Continue any spellings that you found really tricky from last week.



Game for this weeks spelling rule:


Games to support you with your spellings:




This week your focus is 'Angles'. Work your way through week 9 of The White Rose Maths home learning page- please find the resources below.


Don't forget to practice your times tables as well! Have a click on the link below and practice singing your times tables to some catchy beats 




We have been learning about 'Rivers' as part of our topic work. Over the next few weeks we are going to be researching, and comparing rivers around the world- so make sure to keep your notes handy that you make from now on... you will need them in future weeks!


This week, we are going to be introduced to the 'River Severn'



Using the links below, and any others that you can find, can you research the River Severn.


Now you have had a good watch/read we would like you to use your research to answer some questions! Remember to keep your work safe once complete as you will need it in future weeks.



  1. Where is the source of this river?
  2. How long is it?
  3. What cities does it run through?
  4. What countries does it run through?
  5. Can you draw this river on a map of the UK?
  6. Which sea does it filter into?
  7. Find 5 interesting facts about this River. These could include;
  • How it’s used
  • Towns and cities
  • Floods


If you find any other interesting points or information make sure you make a note of those too!




Have a look at this picture of the bridge that crosses the River Severn.

Can you have a go at creating your own? 

You can use whatever material you would like; paint, crayon, felt tip or even a collage!



Additional Activity:  Can you build a bridge from various materials that stretches over a large space (one side of the room to another) like a bridge over an estuary would? You can use whatever materials you would like but it cannot sag or be in the water!



Don't forget to tweet us your pictures!



Joe Wicks is going part time from this week. You can still catch him at: 




Why not have a try at something a little different to get your blood pumping? 

  • Can you make an assault course in your garden and time how fast you can get around it?
  • Can you skip?
  • Can you hula hoop?


Week commencing 15th June


HAPPY MONDAY EVERYONE wink It's that time again to update you with your learning tasks!  Again, we cannot stress that you don't put too much pressure on yourselves to try and get everything done. Balance is important during these testing times.  Please continue to keep us updated with your work, pictures and just how you're getting on as we massively appreciate it and love to see what you have been up to- we miss you lots! Thank you to those children who have been sharing- looks like you have been very busy bee's! 


Please remember that you can get in touch with your teacher at any time to share your work or just for a chat, using either the private message on Twitter or using @MrsLaverackMPS@MrSmith81379864, @HumberClassMps or @MarshlandsGoole.


Inspirational Quote of the Week

English (including: Writing, SPAG and Reading).


Work your way through each day of English at Each daily task will vary from:

- Reading

- Writing

- SPAG. 


Additional Task: Have a look at the image below carefully and read (or ask an adult to read) the text to you. After reading the text, can you answer the questions / complete the task?


The Lighthouse

The storm had been raging for hours. Like a besieging army tormenting an enemy’s ramparts, the waves battered on the lighthouse walls. A group of men huddled in one of the cylindrical shaped rooms, flinching every time a wave rocked the lighthouse. Their hearts were in their mouths with every devastating blow: they half expected the walls to come tumbling down at any moment.They turned their heads and listened to the sound of the storm. What they heard was truly terrifying…


Question time!

  • Can you describe what it feels like to be caught in a storm?
  • What do you think the men heard when they listened to the storm?
  • Who might the men in the lighthouse be?
  • Why are they huddled together?
  • What is the purpose of a lighthouse?
  • What would happen if there were no lighthouses in the world?
  • How do you think someone first invented lighthouses?
  • Can you think of an alternative way to guide ships?
  • Do modern lighthouses require people to work inside them?


Perfect picture!
Can you draw what the men inside the lighthouse are doing?



Learn these spellings for the week that end with 'sure' treasure, measure, pleasure, closure, leisure, pressure.

Homophones: fair and fare

Statutory: arrive and weight

Please complete a spelling test on Friday.


Additional Task: Continue any spellings that you found really tricky from last week.


Games to support you with your spellings: 




This week your focus continues to be Fractions; some of the lessons you may have done, and some are new. Work your way through week 8 of The White Rose Maths home learning page- please find the resources below.


If you complete these why not have a go at the additional resources focusing on Length and Perimeter. Don't forget to practice your times tables as well!



This week we are continuing with our rivers focus. We have looked at the sources of rivers, and their midriff, this week we are going to focus on the end of the rivers journey. We are going to be learning about river 'estuaries'.


What do you think an 'estuary' is? 

Have a little think and a guess before watching the link below...

Now that you have had a think, watch this video clip carefully. Then, using your knowledge, and the website link below, have a go at answering the questions below; (Filmed and talks about estuaries in the USA)



  • What is an estuary?
  • Where are estuaries found?
  • What two types of water meet in an estuary?
  • What is the mixture of salt and fresh water called?
  • Have a close look on a map, whats the closest estuary to us? Have you ever been there?


Additional work: Have a go at completing this quiz about estuaries- 

Art: World Sea Turtle Day 16th June 2020


World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated on 16 June. But with 8 million tonnes of plastic dumped in our oceans every year, these amazing creatures are under threat. In fact, six out of seven species of marine turtle are threatened with extinction. 







When you get up in a morning, have a go at joining in. 



Fancy a change, or something extra maybe? Why not have a dabble in some yoga to help calm the body and mind?


Week commencing 8th June


Hello everybody! We hope everyone is well and safe. Here are the home learning tasks updated for next week. We cannot stress that you don't put too much pressure on yourselves to try and get everything done. Balance is important during these testing times.  Please continue to keep us updated with your work, pictures and just how you're getting on as we massively appreciate it. 


Please remember that you can get in touch with your teacher at any time to share your work or just for a chat, using either the private message on Twitter or using @MrsLaverackMPS, @MrSmith81379864, @HumberClassMps or @MarshlandsGoole.





Work your way through this week's English schedule: you will find a range of different activities such as: Writing, comprehension and SPAG.





How many of the Year 3 and 4 key spellings do you know? Ask an adult to test you each day on a selection of the spellings from the list below. How many have you remembered? For any spellings you get wrong, make a note and these can be the spellings that you practise next week! 





Work your way through this week's White Rose Maths. The week's focus will be on equivalent fractions: Attached below are the resources needed.



This week we will carry on with our new topic of rivers with a focus on meanders. Watch this short video: Now answer the following questions:

  1. Where are meanders formed?
  2. What is a meander?
  3. Why does a river meander?
  4. Does the water move slow or fast in a meandering river?







Take a look at this stunning moon river piece of art! Create your own collage of this picture. Feel free to use colours, paints and raw materials to create this. Of course, do not forget to show this off to us on Twitter!



Why not try some Yoga?

Week Commencing 1st June


Hello everyone! We hope you all have had a lovely half term and have made the most of the lovely weather! Thank you for your consistent dedication to completing these home tasks. Please continue to keep us updated with your work, pictures and just how you're getting on as we massively appreciate it. 


Please remember that you can get in touch with your teacher at any time to share your work or just for a chat, using either the private message on Twitter or using @MrsLaverackMPS, @MrSmith81379864, @HumberClassMps or @MarshlandsGoole






Work your way through the English section of the National Academy website Here you will find a variety of different English activities ranging from: Writing, reading and grammar.


Bonus English activity


Choose a rainforest animal e.g. Sloth, Orangutan or Toucans etc and create a 4 line 'fast poem' to describe it. As exampled below, a fast poem contains a line which is a noun, one that is two adjectives, one that is two verbs and one that is two adverbs.




Spotty, Muscular

Run, Hunt

Rapidly, Viciously



Now your turn!




Distinguish between facts and opinions by playing this game

Could you share five facts about rainforests and your opinion of deforestation with us on Twitter? 















Learn these spellings for the week that end with 'cian' musician, electrician, magician, politician, mathematician.

Homophones: ball and bawl

Statutory: enough and certain

Please complete a spelling test on Friday.




Work your way through this weeks schedule of White Rose Maths which will focus on recapping your skills in fractions. Attached will be the video tutorials and the activity sheets for you to complete. Please also complete a Tackling Tables test and get in touch with us about your scores!



This week we will be moving on to look at Rivers and will continue to do so for the next couple to build our knowledge. Use this YouTube video to learn some basics about rivers:


Answer the following questions in your books:

  1. Where do rivers start?
  2. How does the river change as it grows?
  3. What is the route of  a river called?
  4. Where is the source of some rivers?
  5. What is the difference between a stream and a river?






Look at the pictures of Monet's art work of the River Thames below. Consider/discuss/write down your thoughts of:

  1. Where is the River Thames?
  2. Which colours can you see?
  3. What are the moods of the paintings?
  4. Is there any buildings that are recognisable in the paintings?











Now have a go at creating your own River Thames piece of art in the same style of Monet. This can be done with pencil crayons, paint, chalk etc. 




Week Commencing 18th May 2020


Hello everyone! We hope that everyone is OK  and doing well. Thank you for all of the pictures of you have sent us of your work, you doing lovely things and just general chat! We love hearing from you all it really does brighten up our week!


Please remember that you can get in touch with your teacher at any time to share your work or just for a chat, using either the private message on Twitter or using @MrsLaverackMPS, @MrSmith81379864, @HumberClassMps or @MarshlandsGoole



Please find below Week 5 learning tasks. Resources do not need to be printed off. All tasks can be opened on a device and you can write your answers or complete your tasks in your workbook or even on a scrap piece of paper. 

English (including: Writing, SPAG and Reading).


English, Reading, SPAG: Work your way through each day of English on this website. Each daily task will vary from: Reading, Writing and SPAG.


Additional Task: Using your research and knowledge of the rainforests, can you write a diary extract from an animals point of view ( e.g; an orangutan or a jaguar) of what life is like in a rainforest affected by deforestation. You could include:

- a description of the rainforest.

- the deforestation effects ( on their home / their family / their food sources)

- how they feel (angry / upset / frustrated)


Remember to use lots of descriptive language!



SPAG: Please also have a go at testing your SPAG skills. Can you remember what an adverb is?



This week our spelling rule is adding the suffix 'ous’: dangerous, famous, various, poisonous

Homophones: berry/bury/missed/mist

Statutory: fruit, island


Please do a spelling test on Friday- remember to ask a grown up to share your achievements with your teacher!




Resources to help you with your spellings

- Lots of various games on the website to practice your spellings:

- How to use the suffix 'ous': 

- 'ous' spelling practice: 

- All about homophones:






Times tables: Please can you also continue to practice your times tables. This week we would like you to focus on your 9 times tables, using the song below to help you. Maybe you could ask a grown up to ask you some quick fire questions?



Why not have a go at practicing all of the times tables that we have covered? Have a click on the link below and practice singing your times tables to some catchy beats



This week your focus is Fractions. Work your way through week 5 of The White Rose Maths home learning page- please find the resources below. If you complete these why not have a go at the additional resources focusing on your addition and subtraction?



Can you create, and label, a map of the world highlighting the key rainforests? You can use the map below to help you, but your map should have:

- the rainforests coloured

- continents labelled

- oceans labelled




Once you have completed your map and labels, can you answer these questions below? Again you can use either your map, or the map above, to help you answer the questions on your paper:

  • Which continents are the rainforests found?
  • Is there a similarity between all of the rainforests in terms of their location?
  • Why do you think there are no rainforests in the northern hemisphere?


Useful websites: 



The rainforests are often called 'The Lungs of the Earth' as so much oxygen is produced here! Have a look at the piece of artwork below;



Can you have a go at creating your own  'Lungs of the Earth' artwork? One side must show the effects of deforestation whilst the other side a peaceful, tranquil rainforest.


You can use whatever materials you would like; paint, felt tip, crayon, pencil or chalk... but remember to share your work with us on twitter!


Physical Education


Joe and Rosie Wicks are continuing to provide P.E. lessons to the whole country!

When you get up in a morning, have a go at joining in. 


Fancy a change, or something extra maybe? Why not have a dabble in some yoga to help calm the body and mind?



Week Commencing 11th May 2020


Hello everyone! We hope that everyone is OK smiley Here is the fourth week of work for you. The White Rose Maths should be available from Tuesday- they have changed how they do things and it now requires the school to subscribe. We are working to resolve this and should hopefully have the resources available to you for Tuesday (more information will follow and be updated onto the website and on our Twitter Page).

Please make sure that, if your grown up hasn't already, they follow us (your class teachers) on twitter. We will be available on twitter to help you with anything that you do not understand, but we also would love to keep in touch, hear how you are and see some of the wonderful and fun things that you have been up to too! Please get in touch on Twitter... we miss you!


Resources do not need to be printed off. All tasks can be opened on a device and you can write your answers or complete your tasks in your workbook or even on a scrap piece of paper. 


The twitter pages are:

- Mrs Laverack (Manor Class) @MrsLaverackMPS

- Mr Smith (Shipcote Class) @MrSmith81379864

- Miss Howe (Humber Class) @HumberClassMps


English (including: Writing, SPAG and Reading).


English, Reading, SPAG: Work your way through each day of English on this website. Each daily task will vary from: Reading, Writing and SPAG.


SPAG: Please also have a go at testing your SPAG skills. Which is correct use of the words there, their and theyre? 




Words that have a ‘s’ sound but spelt ‘sc’: science, scene, scissors, crescent

Homophones: peace, piece, plain, plane

Statutory: consider, popular

Please do a spelling test on Friday.

Why not try a game to practice your spellings?





This week your focus is Multiplication and Division. Work your way through week 4 of The White Rose Maths home learning page- please find the resources below which will be available from Tuesday. Mondays lesson worksheet can be found below use the links under the '4 key methods' to help you remember the process.


Monday: Remember all the work we did in class with grid multiplication. Have a go at applying your skills to answer the questions on the document below.


Remember our 4 KEY METHODS in Maths? Use these links to help you and to give your brain a kick start wink


  1. Column addition 
  2. Column subtraction 
  3. Grid method for multiplication 
  4. Bus stop method for division 



Timestables: Please can you also continue to practice your timestables. This week we would like you to focus on your 8 times tables, using the song below to help you. Maybe you could ask a grown up to ask you some quick fire questions? 


Why not have a go at practicing all of the timestables that we have covered? Have a click on the link below and practice singing your timestables to some catchy beats wink



Use the websites below,and any of your own, research animals which are now endangered due to the deforestation of the rainforests. 


Create a leaflet about endangered animals. It should include;

- Key Facts about the animal

- Reasons why the animal is endangered

- Maps

- Ways that people could potentially help




Can you create a piece of artwork, either of your own or using the template, to show endangered animals of the rainforest? You could use a range of different materials to create different effects.





Have a look at and refresh your knowledge on food chains.


Can you create a food chain of your own?




Physical Education


Joe and Rosie Wicks are continuing to provide P.E. lessons to the whole country!

When you get up in a morning, have a go at joining in. 



Week Beginning 4th May


Hi guys! We hope you are all well and keeping safe. Here is the third week of work for the summer term. Resources do not need to be printed off. All tasks can be opened on a device and you can write your answers or complete your tasks in your workbook or even on a scrap piece of paper. We would love to see some examples of your work and also hear how you are getting on. Please get in touch on Twitter, we miss you!


English (including: Writing, SPAG and Reading).

Work your way through each day of English on this website. Each daily task will vary from: Reading, writing and SPAG.



Words that have a ‘k’ sound but spelt with ‘ch’: Chemist, echo, character, scheme, chorus.

Homophones: Heel, heal, he’ll

Statutory: Peculiar, island

Please do a spelling test on Friday.

Why not try a game to practice your spellings?



Work your way through week 3 of The White Rose maths home learning page. This week we will focus on money.

For further maths practice, we would like you to recap learning on AM and PM as seen in the useful links section.



Use the website: to research about deforestation and the consequences of it. Create a fact file about deforestation, including the information:

  • What it means
  • Effects on wildlife
  • Effects on the planet
  • Advice to people



Create a 'save the rainforest' poster and upload to Twitter. Here are some examples:


Additional: Use toilet roll cardboard to create your own rainforest animal. 




Week Beginning 27th April


Hello everyone! We hope you are all doing okay. Please remember that the resources below do not need to be printed off. All tasks can be opened on a device and you can write your answers or complete your tasks in your workbook or even on a scrap piece of paper. Contact us on twitter if you need any help, we are always happy to help in anyway we can!




On the 30th April (Thursday) it will be Captain Tom's birthday!! To celebrate we thought you could complete the following writing activities:


  1. If you don't already know who Captain Tom is, then you could do a little research and find out more about him:
  2. Write Captain Tom a poem for his birthday, it doesn't have to rhyme - be as creative as you like! Your poem should let Captain Tom know how fantastic he is for raising so much money and awareness for the NHS. You could even post this on Twitter!
  3. Make Captain Tom a birthday card for his 100th birthday! Include a paragraph of well punctuated writing thanking Tom and wishing him a very happy birthday.
  4. Optional activity: Create a newspaper article (using the same structure as last week) about Captain Tom and his fantastic achievements.



For those of you who are wanting a little more writing activities to keep you busy, can find daily writing tasks using this link:





How many of the Year 3 and 4 key spellings do you know? Ask an adult to test you each day on a selection of the spellings from the list below. How many have you remembered? For any spellings you get wrong, make a note and these can be the spellings that you practise next week!



This week we would like you to read "The Great Kapok Tree" using this link:


If you would prefer to listen to the story then you can use this YouTube link:


Once you have read or listened to the book, you can answer the questions below:


Here is your weekly White Rose Maths lesson! This week you will be adding fractions:

Maths : Telling the time practise!


Log onto your MATHSFRAME account and access these free games to help you practise telling the time.

Practise reading the time to the nearest minute every day. What time do you get up? What time do you have your lunch? What time do you complete your school work? What time do you watch tv? By the end of the week you should feel a little more confident at reading the time on a clock!



This week we would like you to use this booklet below to learn more about a particular rainforest and the people, animals and plants that live there! Throughout the booklet there are activities for you to complete.



Sketch a picture of your favourite rainforest animal


You could use pencils, crayons - whatever you have at home!

If you wanted to learn how to draw cartoon Rainforest animals then have a go at following this video:



Week Beginning 20th April 2020


We hope you have all had a lovely Easter! It has been great to see what you have been up to so don't forget to tweet us. smiley



This week we would like you create a newspaper report based on your Easter holidays! This can either be fiction (made up) or non-fiction (factual). By this we mean that it can either be a report stating exactly what you did or you could be inventive and make up something bizarre or out of the ordinary (an alien invasion or zoo animals on the loose perhaps?) Think about...

  • What happened
  • Where the activites or events took place
  • Who was involved
  • When the events took place



Please complete the Spring revision questions on Classroom Secrets. If you haven't already, you will need to ask an adult to set up a free account with Classroom Secrets Kids to access all of the free resources.



Here are some focus spellings for you to practise this week. You could even give yourself a spelling test on Friday!


  • Words ending with the suffix 'ous': Dangerous, poisonous, perilous, humorous.
  • Homophones: Berry, bury, great and grate.
  • Statutory words: Special, heart. 



Work through the picture story below called "The Tunnel" and discuss and answer the questions set for each day (Monday-Thursday.  


The Tunnel reading comprehension

We would also like you to take a look at "Voices in the Park" , another book by Anthony Browne. Watch the YouTube clip on the website provided below:



Task 1 for the week: Consolidate your knowledge of rounding to the nearest 10.

Task 2 for the week: Follow the lessons and activities on finding equivalent fractions

New Summer Topic: Rainforests



  1. Begin to research rainforests. Where are the most famous rainforests located? Can you find 10 facts about rainforests?
  2. Rainforests are split up into different layers. Can you create a sketch or drawing of the different layers?

Week Commencing 30th March 2020


Hello everyone! We have put together some work for you to complete over the course of this week. Please remember not to stress, use this as revision for things we have learnt so far! Please also remember to give yourself time to do other things to keep yourselves busy like Lego, crafting, drawing, singing, playing with your toys, playing board games, enjoying the sunshine and so on.

Please make sure that, if your grown up hasn't already, they follow us (your class teachers) on twitter. We will be available on twitter to help you with anything that you do not understand, but we also would love to keep in touch, hear how you are and see some of the wonderful and fun things that you have been up to too!


The twitter pages are:

- Mrs Laverack (Manor Class) @MrsLaverackMPS

- Mr Smith (Shipcote Class) @MrSmith81379864

- Miss Howe (Humber Class) @HumberClassMps




  • To write a diary entry about your first week at home.
  • You can write about anything that you have been up to, things that you have enjoyed doing, how you feel etc.

Documents to support Writing...

Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation and Handwriting


Your spellings this week: To look at the spelling rule and prefix  'inter' (meaning between or among) -

interact, intercity, international, interrelated


Alongside 3/4 homophones:  groan, grown, missed, mist and two statutory words: calendar and potato


(Practise these spellings daily and hold a spelling test on a Friday! Remember to use your best handwriting!)


Grammar this week: 



  • Please follow the link to this website where you will find daily lessons, and supporting videos, focusing on fractions
  • Please remember to practice your timetables, tackling tables and CLIC at your leisure!


Remember our 4 KEY METHODS in Maths? 



Use the Powerpoint below, found in the supporting documents for this weeks reading task. This weeks reading  is focused on using pictures from stories. There will be lots of discussion and children using their skills and imagination.

  • Day 1: Follow the instructions on slides 1-9 and discuss the pictures that you can see.
  • Day 2: Write down a list of genres ( horror, comedy, romance) that you think each of the pictures may belong to and write a written explanation. 
  • Day 3: Create your own title for a story- using the pictures as a stimulus.
  • Day 4: Write a prediction for what you think might happen next in each of the two stories.


Also please remember to:


Supporting Powerpoint for Reading...



  • This week in science we are going to learn about conductors and insulators.
  1. What is an electrical conductor?
  2. What is an electrical insulator?





All you need this week is;

  • a piece of paper
  • a pencil
  • a pen

Linking to the symmetry work that we have done in Math, as well as our science work of electricity and our artistic skills of using lines, this weeks task should be fun and effective! Look carefully at the pictures in the supporting documents. They were taken by an engineer the only people allowed near pylons as they are extremely dangerous with all of the electricity running through them! The pictures show what pylons look like from the ground- look at all that symmetry!


  1. Choose a picture from the selection
  2. Use your ruler to have a go at creating your own piece symmetrical line art.
  3. Remember to frequently look back at the picture!

Physical Education


Joe Wicks is providing P.E. lessons to the whole country!

When you get up in a morning, have a go at joining in. 


ICT: Internet Safety


Internet safety is so so important! We do lots of work in school about how you can stay safe on the internet. This week with your grown ups we would like you to follow the link below and just have a mini refresher on your internet safety skills!


Week Commencing 23rd March 2020


Hello everyone! We have put together some work for you to complete over the course of this week. Please remember not to stress, use this as revision for things we have learnt so far! Please also remember to give yourself time to do other things to keep yourselves busy like Lego, crafting, drawing, singing, playing with your toys, playing board games and so on! 




Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation and Handwriting


Your spellings this week: To look at the spelling rule and prefix  sub-

Submerge, Subheading, Submarine, Subway, Subtract


Alongside 3/4 homophones:  he'll     heal and heel and two statutory words: library and bicycle


(Practise these spellings daily and hold a spelling test on a Friday! )


Grammar this week: 






Please do continue to read the 2 library books we have given you to take home. If you did not do this from last week, create a book review about one of the books you have finished! What would you rate it out of 10? 





Remember our 4 KEY METHODS in Maths? 


  1. Column addition 
  2. Column subtraction 
  3. Grid method for multiplication 
  4. Bus stop method for division 


Please use the resources below to practise ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION this week....




  • Make a poster on how to keep safe around electricity. 




Using whatever art materials you have at home (crayons, paint, chalk etc) try recreating this cool abstract painting of electricity! 


Physical Education

Joe Wicks is providing P.E. lessons to the whole country! When you get up in a morning, have a go at joining in. 










Week Commencing 16th March 2020


Remember to title and date each piece of work you do! 




Write a play script based on a scene from your class book (The Witches or Charlotte's Web) Ensure you apply the key features taught in class (Stage Directions, Character Names, Title, Cast List and use of Colons to indicate who is speaking).



GPS Autumn revision. Ensure you create a log-in and record your score.


Reading - record your score in your lined book.


Remember to read your library book daily. Once you have finished the book, you may write a book review explaining what has happened in the book, who you would recommend the book to and whether you enjoyed the book or not. 




Times table practice this week: 



Art and history


Research a new artist: Quentin Blake!  


Find facts and create a fact file in your lined book. Design your own Roald Dahl character in the style of Quentin Blake! 

