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Year 2 ES

Have a look at our daily chick diary!

We will be adding photos and comments each day as we excitedly watch our chicks hatch and grow! 

Find it in the 'Living Eggs' folder below. 

Welcome to year 2 ES!


Class teacher - Mrs Sharp

Class teaching assistants - Mrs Oates & Mr Stannard

PPA cover - Mrs Willson and Mrs Howard



During summer 1 PE will be on Mondays and Fridays. Please ensure that your child has appropriate PE kit on these days. 


Take a look at our space dance! 

Spring photos - PE dance. 



Homework will be sent home on a Friday. If the homework is returned completed to a good standard by the Monday, your child will receive two reward spots on the chart; if it is returned by the following Thursday they will receive 1 spot on the chart. 


Home reading records

Reading books will be sent home with your child to be read every night. It is very important that the children read regularly as this helps them to become more fluent and competent readers. Books will be changed on Tuesdays if it has been recorded into the reading record that the child has completed the book. 



We hope you enjoy looking at all the photos that are added regularly throughout the year. 

Our summer term topic is 'Down at the Bottom of the Garden'

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Mrs Sharp. 
