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Week 8 Activities 01/6/20

Week 8

Four calculations test
Maths Warm Up
Maths resources

30 days wild resources

Day 1

  • Learn your spellings for the week- watch the Power-Point and write your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube or if you would like something a little bit less strenuous try some Yoga Disco for kids at
  • Complete Day 1 of the maths warm up PDF. Write the answers in your book.
  • In today's maths lesson you'll be recapping adding and subtracting multiples of 10. There's a video here that might help...
  • For reading, open the PDF below. Find a book that has at least five characters, can you create a character card for each character? 
  • For English, open the PDF below. You can hear a noise coming from the cupboard. What do you do? Use the recording sheet or your exercise book to write down your ideas.
  • Today is the 1st of June. Can you remember how many days June has? Well this might give you a clue, because today is the start of '30 days wild'. '30 days wild' is a challenge to do something wild each day in June. If you have a printer you could print out the wall chart to log the different activities that you do, or maybe you could make your own chart ... or just write a list!
  • Today your wildlife challenge is to perform a 'green grass band'! 
    • Find a long, wide blade of grass.
    • Hold the grass. Cup your hands together with your thumbs lined up and the blade of grass sandwiched between them. Your thumbs should touch at the top and bottom, leaving an opening in the middle.
    • Blow through the opening. When the grass vibrates, it will make a sound. What band instrument does it sound like?

Day 2

  • Practice your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube or if you would like something a little bit less strenuous try some Yoga Disco for kids at
  • Complete Day 2 of the maths warm up PDF. Write the answers in your book.
  • In today's maths lesson you'll be recapping adding 2 digit numbers. Here's a video here that might help...
  • For reading, open the PDF below and read 'Lucy's house'. Then answer the comprehension questions.
  • Let's remind ourselves about our work on maps. Open the PDF below and have a go at drawing a map of where you live. Take a photo of your map and show me it on Twitter!
  • Today's wildlife challenge is to collect things from your garden or when you are on your daily walk to start a nature table. If you can print out the nature table sheet but if not create a nature area in your garden to display your treasures!

Day 3

  • Practice your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube or if you would like something a little bit less strenuous try some Yoga Disco for kids at
  • Complete Day 3 of the maths warm up PDF. Write the answers in your book.
  • In today's maths lesson you'll be recapping subtracting 2-digit numbers. Here's a video here that might help...
  • It's Wellbeing Wednesday! Open the PDF below. Did you know that different colours are associated with different feelings? Think about the colours on the sheet and how they make you feel. You can also use the colouring sheet to draw a picture and colour it using colours that make you feel happy.
  • For English, open the pdf below. If you had a ticket to ride where would you go? What would you do when you got there?
  • Your wildlife challenge today is to look up at the clouds. What shapes do you see? If you have some paint why not having a go at painting the shapes you see?

Day 4

  • Practice your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete the Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube or if you would like something a little bit less strenuous try some Yoga Disco for kids at
  • Complete Day 4 of the maths warm up PDF. Write the answers in your book.
  • In today's maths lesson you'll be recapping number bonds to 100. Here's a video here that might help...
  • For English, open the PDF below. Imagine you are standing in the picture. Write a paragraph to describe what you can see.
  • Today's wildlife challenge is to create a butterfly buffet! Check with an adult and place over ripe fruit in a bright coloured bowl on a table or window ledge. You won't need a lot of fruit but the butterflies will drink the juice that seeps from the fruit for a great energy boost! You could watch and see how many different butterflies visit! Be careful you don't attract too many wasps instead. If you do, just pop the fruit in the compost instead.

Day 5

  • Practice your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete Day 5 of the maths warm up PDF. Write the answers in your book.
  • Complete today's PE lesson with Joe Wicks online at . If you fancy something a bit less strenuous this morning choose one of Cosmic Kids yoga sessions instead . 
  • Complete the four calculations test. Let me know your results via Twitter!
  • Remember our work on the four countries of the UK? Open the PDF below and see if you can label the four countries. Can you find out where Goole is on the map and label that too? As an extra challenge you could label the four capital cities of the UK.
  • Today's wildlife challenge is to relax in nature! Switch off all technology and head outside for some uninterrupted peace and quiet! Lay on the grass or sit somewhere comfortable and take some deep breaths. What noises can you hear? Bees? Birds? Dogs? Lawn mowers? Sit there and relax for as long as you can :)