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School Session Times

Drop Off and Collection Times


Class    Start and End TimesDrop Off AreaCollection Area
Nursery8.45 - 11.45F1 gateF1 gate
Reception (Hall)8.45 - 3.15F2 front gateF2 back gate
Year 1 (Humber)8.45-3.15*KS1 cloakroom doorClassroom door
Year 2 (Beech)8.45-3.15*Front classroom doorBack classroom door
Year 3 (Cottingham)8.45-3.15*Classroom gateClassroom gate
Year 3 (Couper)8.45-3.15*Classroom doorClassroom door
Year 4 (Birch)8.45-3.15*Classroom doorClassroom door
Year 4 (Manor)8.45-3.15*Classroom doorClassroom door
Year 5 (Percy)8.45-3.15*KS2 cloakroom doorKS2 cloakroom door
Year 6 (Hazel)8.45-3.15*Classroom doorClassroom door
Year 6 (Oak)8.45-3.15*Classroom doorClassroom door

*Gates open at 8.40 am and close at 8.55am.  Pupils in F1  have their own gates, which close at 8.45am.  Pupils in KS1 and KS2 currently currently have a rolling start with work in place on their arrival, which must be before 8.55 am. 

Children Being Brought to and Collected from School

Children in Nursery (FS1), Reception (FS2), Year 1 and Year 2  must be brought to school, and collected at home time, by a responsible adult. In a morning, the accompanying adult MUST supervise the child on the school site and is responsible for the child’s safety until the child enters the school building. Adults wishing to collect children should be 16+ years of age and be listed in the school’s records as being authorised, by the parent/carer, to collect the child. Children can only be collected by adults who are listed on the ‘consent to collect’ list.   Adults collecting pupils must also supervise the pupil until they have left the school site.  Responsibility transfers from school staff to the adult collecting, once the child has left the classroom and has been handed to the collecting adult.

Children from Year 3 (KS2) can come to school unaccompanied. Parents/carers of KS2 children must give permission for their child to leave school alone at home time. If a signed permission slip is not received, children will NOT be permitted to leave the school unaccompanied.  


Break Times

KS1 and KS2 have a 15 minute morning break.  This is timetabled and allows pupils to mix; with years 1 and 2 having morning break together.   Years 3 and 4 together and years 5 and 6 together.

Classes also have an afternoon break but this is not timetabled but instead is decided by the class teacher to suit the class timetable each day.  This means lessons are not controlled by breaks and pupils can also have a break with just their class.


Lunch Time

F2 have lunch 11.45-12.45

KS1 (Years 1 and 2) have lunch 12.00-1.00pm

LKS2 (Years 3 and 4) have lunch 12.15-1.00pm

UKS2 (Years 5 and 6) have lunch 12.30-1.15pm


