Continuing from last weeks work on the Firework Makers Daughter we are going to be exploring the main themes that run through the book.
Practice your 6 times table with Taylor Swift!
In today’s lesson you will be reminded on how to divide by 10 using place value. Again, great practise for your CLIC test when we return to school!
Have a go at this workout it’s tiring but will make you feel refreshed for the rest of the day.
Making Monday
Remember how you used to love Golden Time in Year 2, especially when Mrs Robinson would bring all her empty boxes in? Why not gather all the empty boxes that you can, some glue, tape, scrap paper etc and let your imagination take over! Will you build a robot, a car or even a machine to blast covid19 into oblivion???!!!
Alternatively, why not use the materials, you have in the house create a collage of a tsunami?
Don't forget to share your work with us on ClassDojo.
Today we will be completing the work on the Firework Makers Daughter looking the genre of the book.
(Genre means the style in which it is wrote in.)
Stay happy and practice your 7 times table!
In today’s lesson you will be dividing and multiplying by 100. Remember it’s nothing new, you are just applying what your already know to a bigger number.
Recapping our work on numbers and colours follow these links to practise these. (Numbers to 15) (Colours)
Tuneful Tuesday
Do you have an instrument at home? Why not get it out and have a play with it? If you don’t have an instrument why not make a comb kazoo? When I was young, my uncle used to get a comb, fold a piece of paper over it and blow on it. It was a comb kazoo! Why not have a go yourself? If you can get an adult to record you, would be great to hear your tunes!
Today’s lesson is focusing on grammar, look at the BBC Bitesize website to refresh your knowledge of grammar in these areas.
We would like you work through the videos and activities on verbs, pronouns and adverbs. These don’t take very long so when you have completed the tasks we would like you to write sentences containing verbs, pronouns and adverbs as practise. You can upload these to Dojo so we can see your understanding.
Practice your 11 times table with Number Rock! Cool!
In today’s lesson, you will work with Mrs Behen to practise 2 methods of dividing.
Extreme Earth! - Geography
Continuing our Extreme Earth topic, you will learn how an earthquake occurs.
Wellness Wednesday
Did you know that today is National Paper aeroplane day? Check out the image below for instructions on how to make the best paper aeroplane ever! Happy flying!
Like yesterday’s lesson we are still concentrating on grammar and our focus today is prepositions, coordinating conjunctions and expanded noun phrases. Again, these are nothing new and are recapping work completed in class.
Have a go at the activities and watch the videos then write sentences using todays grammar and upload these to Dojo so we can see your understanding.
Practice your 8 times tables. Here’s an old favourite to have a good sing along to!
In today’s lesson you will discover new facts using things you already know!
In today’s lesson you will learn the difference between night and day and how the Earth turns. This is part of our Light and Dark topic helping us to understand further how light helps us to see and how shadows can then be made.
Thoughtful Thursday
We’re missing seeing all your smiling faces every morning and I’m sure that you are missing seeing all your friends too. Why not draw a picture or create a collage of our class, all looking happy when we are back together in June? As always, we’d love to see your creations.
Other activities
Wellness Wednesday
Follow these instructions on how to make the best paper aeroplane ever!
Have a wonderful half term holiday, and we will see you on Monday 7th June.
Stay safe
Mrs Harrison & Mrs Latham