Here are some activities to keep you busy this week...
Remember there is no pressure to complete them, but they are here IF you wish to.
Miss Thorp and Mrs Wright would love to see what you are all getting up to...
You can use the book that you took home to record anything.
Alternatively, you can let us know on twitter or by email.
Miss Thorp's email -
Mrs Wright's email -
Daily work outs for children. 9am every week day morning.
Or you can try some yoga!
(Adult supervision required)
Do you remember the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar? Try and tell the story to a grown up. Or if you have the story book, ask a grown up to read it to you. Or you can watch it on youtube! (Adult supervision required)
Writing/Mark Making
Draw a picture of all the different food the Very Hungry Caterpillar ate.
Some of the foods the Very Hungry Caterpillar ate were a circle shape. Go on a shape hunt round your house and outside your house and see if you can find some things that are a circle shape. You might also like to have a go at drawing some of the circle shapes you have found!
Groovy Movers
Do you remember the song 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'? See how fast you can sing the song and do the actions!
Make a model of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. You can use some junk or playdough or even lego! We would love to see a photo of your model!
Understanding the World
Can you remember the different stages of life for the Very Hungry Caterpillar? He starts off as a little egg but what does he grow into?
Go on a hunt outside to see if you can find any caterpillars or if you can see any butterflies! You can draw or paint a picture of a butterfly.
Stay safe, smile and keep washing your hands! We miss you!