Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to Birch Class!


Important Information

Class teacher: Mrs Sharp 

Teaching Assistant: Miss Baker

PPA & Leadership cover (Monday PM and Fridays): Mrs Howard



Spellings are given out on Monday and our spelling test is Friday. Children will receive a class Dojo point for returning their spellings sheets completed. 



Read, Write, Inc books are sent home on a 4 day cycle but should be brought to school everyday. Please log into BoomReader to record the number of times your child has read during the week. The expectation is that your child should read at least 3 times per week. 

Library books are sent home on a Friday and should be returned the following Friday. If your child listens to you read their library book or they listen to bedtime stories, this can also be logged on BoomReader.



Homework is sent out on a half-termly basis. Please post any photos of your child's homework on their DoJo portfolio.



Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays.

Please ensure that earrings are removed at home.

Indoor kit- white t-shirt, black shirts, change of shoes (pumps or clean trainers)

Outdoor kit- white t-shirt, jumper/hoodie/tracksuit top, black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, change of shoes (trainers)

Please ensure all uniform and PE kit is labelled thank you!



Children in KS1 are provided with free fruit everyday.

Children are welcome to bring water or diluted juice in their own named water bottles.


Please do get in touch if you have any questions or queries. 


Thank you for your ongoing support smiley 

Mrs Sharp 
