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Week 10 15/06/20

Week 10


Day 1:

  • Learn this weeks new spellings - the home sheet is linked above so you can practice them by covering the words too!
  • Complete day 1 of phonics - don’t forget to use the home sheet! Today is ‘er’ a better letter.
  • Complete day 1 of maths work - today we are starting capacity! As part of your warm ups this week you will have “the answer is...” Can you come up with 10 different ways to make the number you’re given? For example, “my answer is 10” you could write down all your friends of 10!
  • For your English work today, you will be completing pages 23-25 ofJane Pippety. First, measure different people you live with using the pixies. If you don’t want to print them out, you could draw your own pixies all the same size and measure using them! Fill the table out and then write some sentences using the key words on page 25. Remember your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops!
  • We’re going to spend the next couple of days looking at birds. Last week you had the bird spy sheet. Have a go at looking for some birds today. Can you describe their behaviour? Often, people have bird houses in their gardens so birds have places they can get food. Today, you can make your own bird house just using a toilet roll and some thin cardboard. The picture underneath shows the final product, see if you can design your own to hang up at home!

Day 2:

  • Have a go at day 2 of phonics - today’s new sound is ‘ow’ a brown cow.
  • Today we are going to continue with capacity. Have a think about yesterday’s maths. Have a go at filling up some cups- one that’s full, one that’s empty, one that’s half full. Complete the warm up and then the white rose maths sheet on capacity.
  • For your English today, look at the poem on page 26 of Jane Pippety, If I Had Wings. Read the poem with an adult. Then have a go at writing your own using the template. Try and make it as interesting as possible, use your imagination and include adjectives!
  • Following on from yesterday’s bird house making, today you could have a go at helping the birds by making fat balls. All you need is lard and some bird seed! If you don’t want to make fat balls, can you I spy what birds eat? You could make a poster to help others understand what birds eat!




Day 3:

  • Today there is no phonics to complete.
  • Complete day 3 of maths - have a go at experimenting with capacity and fill the table out! Let me know how you get on on Twitter, @MissRustonMPS
  • Today is your last day completing Jane Pippety. Jane Pippety is not happy, her wings got wet and wants you to make her her own airplane. Follow the instructions linked in the booklet and design her a plane! I’d love to see what you come up with. 



Day 4:

  • Complete day 3 of phonics - today’s new sound is ‘ai’ snail in the rain!
  • Complete day 4 of maths. We are continuing with capacity today. Today I want you to think about how you would fill up a bucket. Use a cup to fill up a bucket and see how many it takes. If you then had 2 buckets, how many cups would you need? Once you’ve had a go practically, have a go at the warm up and white rose.
  • For English today, read the Fox information text above, with an adult. Once you’ve read the information text think about its features. How is it different to a story? Have a go at the quiz after reading.
  • Listen to the story Silly Billy by Anthony Browne on YouTube (please supervise your child). There are many different videos on YouTube that are read aloud stories. Once you’ve listened to the story, have a go at making a worry doll. Your worry doll can be there for you when you’re nervous or worried about something. Here is a picture below to help you design it. You will need to find a stick and some different things to decorate it! You can be as creative as you like. 


Day 5:

  • Have a spelling test! Let me know your score.
  • Complete day 5 of your maths and your friends of 10 challenge.
  • Complete day 4 of phonics - today is review day!
  • Watch the Come Outside episode on ‘frogs’ on YouTube. (Please supervise your child whilst on YouTube). Once you have watched the episode have a go at starting to complete your own information text on Frogs. There is a template above to follow! Think about your sentences and your adjectives. 