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Week 5 5.7.21

Home Learning Week commencing 5th July 2021


Monday 5.7.21

English- Have a go at writing some simple words or sentences about the Gingerbread man. Use the pictures below (or download it at the bottom of the page, this has some words that you can use to help you write too. 



Mrs Kazemi's group-  Learn the new sound 'qu' by following the link then practise writing the sound. Can you think of any words that start with that sound?

Miss Nicholls group - Learn the new sound 'ar' start the car. Watch the video Can you think of any more words with this sound in? Can you write them?

If you would like you can play this game with your family. Get or make a dice then take it in turns to roll then pick and read a word on the matching line. The person who covers the last word on that line wins. (You can download and print this on the bottom of this page)



Maths- In Maths this week we are learning about Capacity. We will continue this when we get back into school and have lots of fun playing with water and different containers. Before we do this have a look at this lesson from Oak academy to help you get started learning all about Capacity.


Creative- In school we have an ice-cream parlour role-play area. Today have a go at making an ice lolly or ice cream. Below are some pictures to give you some ideas. 



Story time - If you would like you can watch the story 'The Cow that laid an egg'


Brain breaks (optional) - If you would like to have a dance and get moving you can have a go at some of our brain break dances. Follow the links to choose some below:

Dinosaur stomp -

Banana Banana Meatball -

Milkshake -

Superheroes unite -



Wednesday 7.7.21

English- Talk about what happens in the Gingerbread Story. Can you draw what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story?



Mrs Kazemi's Group - Learn the new sound 'x' Can you practise writing this sound and some words that start with this sound.

Miss Nicholls Group - Practise the sound ' oo' poo at the zoo - 


Maths- Capacity with Oak National academy


Understanding the World - Follow the link to find out all about floating and sinking


Thursday 8.7.21

English - The Gingerbread man went missing didn't he. Can you make a missing poster like in the picture below. Talk about and write what he looks like so people know what to look.


Phonics -

Mrs Kazemi's group - Practise the new sound 'nk'

Miss Nicholls group -  Recap the sound 'ee'  


Maths- Today we are learning all about weight. Follow the link to take part in the lesson.


Music - 

Our music lesson is carrying on from last week and we are going to look at ' The Veggie Patch' Part 2


Friday 9.7.21

English -  Find your favourite book in your house? What is it? Can you draw a picture and write a sentence about your favourite book and the characters that are in it?



Miss Kazemi's group - Practise the sounds 'nk' Find things around your house with this sound in. Can you draw some of them?

Mrs Nicholls group - Recap the sound 'oo' 'look at a book'


Maths -  We are continuing with finding out about weight. Learning all about heavier and lighter.


Reading -  Have a go at reading the Ditty 27: A pink fish

