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Useful Information

Here is some useful information that may help you to get your child settled into the year.

  • If your child would like a drink of juice at playtime they will need 20p per day or £1 per week. Mrs Shipley will collect this in a morning.
  • This year your child’s P.E. kit has been provided, and these will be kept in school at all times.
  • Your child’s reading book will be changed on a Monday. If reading books could be taken out of book bags on a Monday morning and placed in the tray, that would be really helpful J
  • Spellings will be given on a Monday and will need to be learnt for a Friday spelling test.
  • Homework will usually be given on a Wednesday.
  • Everything we do will be shown on our class page on the website, so keep an eye out!


If there is anything you are worried about or anything you would like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to speak to me after school or arrange a meeting if need be. I look forward to working with you and your child over the next year!


Miss Howe J
