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Whole School Gallery Archive: 2023-2024

World Book Day 2020

Amazing Community Spirit

We had a fantastic response from the community to help the flooded families in nearby villages.  After one night we had an overwhelming amount of items.  Thank you for all your support. What an amazing community we have. 

Enterprise Autumn 2019

Our harvest donations ready for Trinity Food Bank

Macmillan Coffee Event - 23rd September 2019

Summer Fayre 2019

Enterprise Summer 2019

Decorated Egg Competition

Enterprise Spring 2019

High Sheriff and PC Corden Visit

Christingle 18

Still image for this video

Enterprise Autumn 2018

Google Academy Christmas Carol Concert

Remembrance Service

Enterprise Summer 2018

Enterprise Spring 2018

Decorated Egg Competition

Decorated Egg Winners

Well done to all that entered and especially to our winners: Cameron, Eleanor, Jacob, Savana, Kaiden, Kyla, Harvey, Kaelan, Ellis, Dominick, Kaiden and Kacie-Leigh!

Christingle 2017

Still image for this video

Enterprise Evening Autumn 2017

Thank you to all staff for raising £150 for the Macmillan coffee morning. Next year we hope to make it even bigger!

Mrs Newel came into to tell us all about her work in television programs.

Welcome to the whole school gallery. We will post photos, videos and information here about events that involve more than one class.

Mrs Cawthorn raised £620 for a school defibrillator

Well done and  a huge thank you to Mrs Cawthorn for taking part in the York marathon to raise money for school.  It took just under 6 hours to complete the 26.2 miles and we are extremely proud.

Enterprise Evening Summer 2017

Decorated Egg Competition Winners

Decorated Egg Competition Entries

Enterprise Evening Spring 2017

World Book Day 2017

Christingle December 16

Still image for this video

Enterprise Evening Autumn Term 16

September 2016 - Roald Dahl Day

July 2016 - Circus Behaviour Reward

Enterprise Summer 2016

KS2 Lunchtime Games

Thank you to all of the children and families who made a parachute to test as part of our 'Mad Science' week. We've had a great afternoon! Year 1 JH Parachutes

Year 1 WL Parachutes

Year 2 Parachutes

Year 3 Parachutes

Year 4 Parachutes

Year 5 Parachutes

Year 6 Parachutes

Wig Wednesday in support of CLIC Sargent Children's Cancer Charity. We raised £133 Well done!

Enterprise Evening, spring 2016

Decorated Egg Entries , March 2016

Marshlands Primary Monster Mash (March 2016)

On the 8th of March 2016, the children of Marshlands took to the Junction to perform a series of horrifying songs.

World Book Day

Enrichment Time - Spring 1

Living Faiths afternoon (January 16)


Marshlands Primary School Christingle 2015

Children who received the Governor's Award For Handwriting (Autumn 15/16)

Enterprise -Autumn 15/16

Harvest Celebration assembly (October 2015)

KS2 Enrichment Autumn 1, 15/16

Our New Junior Travel Ambassadors (September 2015)

Safety Sam Presentation (September 2015)

Farrans and the police came to talk to us about the dangers of construction sites. 

Our School Council

 After listening to all the candidate speeches and voting in the hall, we now have a new school council.

Staff vs Year 6 Kick Rounders

Staff and Year 6 children had a great competition of kick rounders on the final day. The staff won by one as the overall score was 5 - 4.

Change 4 Life July 2015

Summer Enterprise

Spring 2 Enrichment

School Music Service Concert

Spring 2 Enrichment 2015


Every half term, we have an enrichment afternoon. Children suggest activities that link to their favourite areas of the curriculum. Then they choose which activity they'd like to go to and spend a full afternoon there. Below are some pictures from the enrichment afternoon for the second half term in spring.

Easter Talent Assembly 2015

Decorated Egg Winners 2015

Well done to these 9 children who won the decorated egg competition. The kitchen staff spent a long time deciding who should win. These children received a large Easter egg prize and every child who took part was given a reward. I'm sure you'll agree from the photos that the entries were all fantastic!

Decorated Egg Competition 2015

KS2 Easter Disco 2015

Spring Enterprise 2015

Christingle 2014

Please enjoy this video from our Christingle service.

100 Years Poppy Project

To commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, Mrs Phillipson worked with children across the school to produce our own version of Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red. All children contributed to produce a marvellous display for the school.