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Week 9 08/06/20

Week 9

Day 1:

  • Complete day 1 of phonics practice - don't forget to use your homework sheets!
  • Learn your new spellings.
  • Have a go at day 1 of maths - this week we are recapping mass and weight!
  • Open up Jane Pippety tasks. See if you can retell the story before re-reading it! Then, read Jane Pippety's poem on page 15 and solve her riddles on page 16.



Day 2:

  • Complete day 2 of phonics practice
  • Have a go at day 2 of maths - the white rose sheets are labelled accordingly to the days above.
  • For Jane Pippety today, please complete page 17. You are drawing what you would find in a giants pocket. Think about all the things Pippety found! Can you make it as exciting as possible? 
  • Above I have attached lots of different animals and flowers you can look out for on your daily walks for our science. Pick one to have a go at and see how many you can spy!




Day 3:

  • Complete day 3 of phonics practice
  • Have a go at day 3 of maths - the write rose sheets are labelled accordingly to the days above.
  • Today for Jane Pippety you are going to use your giants pocket and make your own poem! The template is on page 18 that you can use. Don't forget your capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and beautiful handwriting! I would also love to see some adjectives and some riddles if you can! 
  • Continue to learn your spellings



Day 4:

  • Complete day 4 of phonics practice - your weekly review!
  • Have a go at day 4 of maths!
  • For Jane Pippety, read the letter on page 19 and have a go at your own rainbow hunt on page 20! I'd love to hear about what you find. 
  • If you would like to continue using the bird and flower sheets they are above. Try and find your favourite flower or bird. Have a go at drawing it. Think about proportion and the details you can see!




Day 5:

  • Have a spelling test!
  • Complete day 5 of maths and your friends of 10 challenge!
  • If you can, have a go at making the sparkly playdough next for Jane Pippety. If you can't get hold of the ingredients have a go at decorating the clouds how you would like them!
  • Finish off your observational drawing of a bird or flower. 