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Week Four 25.01.2021

Monday Daily Message 25.01.21

Here are your activities for Monday 25.01.21. You can find the worksheets and links on Class Dojo under 'Portfolios'. Please submit your work via Portfolios for us to give feedback accordingly:


English: In this lesson, we will look at an example of an advert and discuss its PALL - purpose, audience and language. Children will then write their own sentences using a comparative and a superlative.


Grammar: In this lesson, we will practise using the past, present and future tense. 


Maths:  In this lesson, you will be applying written methods of multiplication to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. Follow the video first and then complete the worksheet.

PSHE: Children will learn about climate change and the causes and effects. They will learn about the greenhouse gases and carry out an experiment to see these effects.


ART: Looking at the picture of the snail on Can you create your own artwork of a snail? You could go get natural resources from your garden (e.g. leaves, twigs) and create the image. Have a look at the example above!

Tuesday Daily Message 26.01.21


English: In this lesson, we will further explore the rules associated with adding the suffixes -er and -est. 10 spelling words will be explained and set to learn.

Maths: In this lesson, you will continue to practise multiplying 2-digits by 1-digit. Alongside arithmetic style questions, you will also be introduced to word problems. Make sure to highlight numbers provided in the word problem and use your written methods to work out the equation.

Reading: Your daily reading task can be found at . Look at the picture, scroll down and read the story starter. After doing this can you have a go at answering the following questions:
• Why have the girl and her companion entered the caves?
• Who do you think the girl is? Who is her companion?
• Can you see anything strange in the background?
• What do you think might be about to happen in the cave?
• Where is all the lava coming from?

RE: In this lesson you will be learning about the life, teachings and death of Jesus. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for this lesson.

Spellings: Your weekly spellings can be found on the school website at and will also be posted to your portfolio. Remember to practice every day if you get chance!

ART Activity: Can you draw what you think they would have found inside the cave? Look at the Pobble 365 image. What do you think they would find?


Wednesday Daily Message 27.01.21


English: In this lesson, children will explore prepositions of place and time. First, they will look at some pictures of a koala, describe what its position is, and complete a short task filling in the missing prepositions of place. Then, children will identify when we use the prepositions 'at' 'in' and 'on' in relation to time and see if they can spot a rule. Finally, children will fill in the missing prepositions of time in some sentences. 

Grammar: In this lesson, we will look at the two types of apostrophes and when they are used. We will then focus on apostrophes for contraction and practise where to use them for different word combinations. The children will then have a go at contracting and uncontracting words where apostrophes are used.


Maths: In this lesson, you will be applying written methods of multiplication to multiply a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number. Follow the video first and then complete the worksheet.


Science: How does a compass work? In this lesson, we will learn about the history of the compass and then use our knowledge to write instructions for a treasure map!

Thursday Daily Message 28.01.21


English: In this lesson, children will sort healthy and unhealthy snacks. We will discuss a healthy diet and what foods make up a healthy diet. Children will think about what makes a snack healthy. Scientific vocabulary will be introduced: protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals. 

 Grammar: In this lesson, we will introduce apostrophes for singular possession. We will learn to spot them and practise using them. 

Maths: In this lesson, you will be introduced to factor pairs. Factors are often given as pairs of numbers, which multiply together to give the original number. These are called factor pairs. First, watch the video and then complete the worksheet.

History:  How did the Romans conquer Britain?
In this lesson we will learn about how the Romans conquered Britain. We will begin by looking at why Emperor Claudius chose to invade Britain and the key differences between the Roman and Celtic armies. Finally we will look at how the Romans built towns and cities across Britain.

Friday Daily Message 29.01.21


 English: In this lesson, we will introduce new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences. 

Maths: Today you are going to be practising the written methods that you have learnt this week for multiplication. Watch the video first and then have a go at the worksheet.

Guided Reading: In this lesson, we will analyse and explore the stepmother and the witch. 


Art: Can you create a mosaic of a Roman Soldier? If you don’t have coloured paper around the house could you find natural resources (such as leaves) to make your own. OR draw the Roman Soldier!
