Happy New Year!
Welcome to Year the Year 5 class page
Staff in Year 5
Teacher: Miss Watts
Teaching Assistant: Miss Moore
Additional Classroom support: Mrs Ford
PPA cover: Mrs Howard and Mrs Willson
Just a quick update with regards to a few changes for the Spring term.
I would like to wish you all the best for this coming year.
Miss Watts
P.S. Check out what we have been doing in class each week, including WOW day - scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Spring Term Photographs. Enjoy!
This is an update of what has been happening in Year 5 this week!
(Week ending 9th October 2015)
In English we are currently learning about Legends, in particular, the Legend of King Arthur. This week we have been becoming familiar with the tale through drama activities and orally retelling the story - keep an eye out for videos! We are going to be working towards writing our own version of the Legend!
In Maths we have been rounding numbers and multiplying/dividing both numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 10O0!
In our Topic this week we have been writing our scripts for the film trailers we will be producing. The clock is ticking and Marshlands very own Oscars Ceremony is drawing closer!! We hope to start filming next week!!
In Spanish we have been practicing our greetings, Hola, Buenos Dias, Buenos Noches, Hasta Luego and so on. The children seem to be really enjoying learning the new language and have even been responding the the register in Spanish.
That's all for now!
Please keep an eye on our class page for photographs throughout the term!
Miss Watts
Week ending 16th October
This week in year 5 we have been very very busy!!
In English we have been planning, writing and editing a setting description of a castle, ready for when we write our very own legend next week! We also worked in small groups to create a literature circle in order to investigate different versions of the same text (King Arthur). The children took on roles such as; word wizard, artful artist, skilful summariser and discussion leader, before presenting their findings to the rest of the class! The children worked really well together and enjoyed the task! Mrs Tang was very impressed with the children's background knowledge of legends and awarded the class 'class of the week' in Fridays assembly, well done year 5!!
In Maths we have been rounding 5 digit numbers to the nearest 100 in order to estimate answers to calculations. This has proved to be tricky, but we must remember the rules for rounding! 4 or less we round down, 5 or more we round up!!
In GPSH this week we have been investigating and unscrambling new words. The children sorted through a bank of words in order to figure out what the spelling focus was. The children soon discovered that there were 3 categiries, dis, mid and in, which are negative prefixes. The children noticed that these came at the beginning of the word (root word) and I explained how they changed the meaning of the root word, making it an opposite (antonym).
In PE the children have been practising how to get Gymnastic equipment out in the hall safely and in Basketball the children have been practising their dribbling skills with both their dominant and non dominant hand. This proved to be very tricky when using their non dominant hand!
Other things that have been happening this week include creating shields made from bamboo and willow for Goole West Park Bonfire. This year, year 5 have been given the fantastic opportunity to create the shields that will parade the walkway leading up to the Bonfire. On Friday we began to construct the shields and later next week we shall be strengthening them and adding colour! The children had lots of fun with this task!!
I have updated the photographs page, so please take a look!
Miss Watts
Just a quick update!
Week ending 23rd October
This week has been a very, very, busy week for year 5 with a Music theme week and Bonfire crafts, here's what we have been getting up to!
In English, the children have been planning and writing their very own version of the well known legend King Arthur!!
This week was Music to our ears, a Music based theme week. As our topic for this term is The Oscars we looked at music from films. The children have enjoyed learning a song from the film Home which they performed in our parent assembly on Friday.
This year we have been given the fantastic opportunity to create the lanterns for the Bonfire at West Park, we have had lots of fun constructing these this week. The children fixed willow and bamboo together with masking tape in the shape of a shield before covering the structure with multiple layers of glue covered tissue paper, sticky stuff! The children enjoyed taking part in the construction of the lanterns and with the help of Miss Moore have completed the shields with colour blocks, shillouettes and ribbon. The colour for Marshlands Primary School is orange so if you are going down to the Bonfire at West Park keep an eye out!! They look fantastic!
On Tuesday we were visited by Sam from the junction who taught the children a song and dance for the Bonfire at West Park, the children enjoyed listening to Sam play songs on his Accordion and dancing on the playground!
That's all for now!
Enjoy half term!
Miss Watts