Home Page

Year 2 JM

Welcome to Year 2 JM!

Class teacher: Miss J Marston

Teaching Assistant: Mrs H Ford

PPA cover: Mrs Willson and Mrs Howard (every Tuesday afternoon)


I am so pleased to be teaching your child this year! On our class page you will be able to find out what your child has been learning in Year 2, see photos of their work and find information about our daily routine. If you have any questions please pop into the classroom for a chat!


PE days

Our PE days are Monday and Friday. Please provide your child with a PE kit (white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps in a named bag).



We encourage all children to read to an adult everyday at home. Please make a comment in your child's home reading diary. Mrs Ford will change reading books every day if there is a comment in the reading diary. 


Snack money

Children in Year 2 receive free fruit. If you would like your child to have a carton of juice please send 20p per day with your child.



Maths or English homework is sent home every Thursday. We would encourage you to sit with your child to support them with their homework. Homework should be returned by the following Thursday.


Thank you for your support in your child's learning.