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Week 1 - 22.2.21

Home Learning Week 1  - 22.2.21




Monday 22.2.21

English- Our new story for our new topic is 'The Giant Turnip' Take part in the first lesson from Oak Academy, listening to the story and answering questions.


Phonics - Revise the sounds 'h'. Watch the video by following the link

Play the game 'Fishy Phonics' - Read the words and fish the correct picture out of the water.


Maths - This week we are learning all about the number 9. First watch the Numberblocks episode 9:

Number 9 is a square. Take 9 cubes or 9 small squares cut out of some paper (see picture below). Explore whether they make a square. 

Then write down which numbers to 9 do make a square and which numbers don't. If you would like you can download the sheet like is shown in the picture below to help you (see resources for the week)



Creative - As our topic is 'What can we grow' Can you make or paint something that has to do with this. It could be a plant. You could make a garden decoration or bird feeder, Collect some leaves or things from nature to make a picture. The possibilities are endless. Here are some ideas to get you started.


(OPTIONAL) Brain Breaks - Have a go at some of these dances to give your brain a break from all the amazing learning you have been doing today.

Move and Freeze -

Can't stop the Feeling -


Tuesday 23.2.21

English - We are going to listen to the  story of 'The Giant Turnip' again and we are going to re-tell the story adding some actions in to help us remember it:


Phonics-  We are having another look at the 'sh' sound. Watch the video:

Play the 'Fred Frog' game and guess what is in his fridge part 3 -


Reading - Have a go at joining in with sounding out and blending to read the words following the video here:


Maths -Today we are going to be counting to 9 with Oak academy. You will need a tens frame, counting objects and number cards. All of which you can make if you cannot print.


Physical Development -  It is important when looking at dance to be able to move to the beat of the music. Watch the video to explain the task 'move to the beat' then have a go.

You can use the P.E. card below too.

Wednesday 24.2.21





Thursday 25.2.21

English - Can you remember the story of 'The Giant Turnip' Get some coloured pencils and paper and then draw and label the different characters that took part in the story. If you need a reminder (I am sure you won't) of the characters see the picture below.


Phonics - We are having another look at the sound 'r' watch here:

Have a go at writing the r sound. Then practise writing the words to go with the following pictures. 

Can you write a sentence with one of the words in?


Maths - Continuing with looking at number 9. Can you have a go at practising writing 9. You could write it, paint it. make it out of different objects. Have a go at some different ways. You could even try and make the number 9 Numberblock (you can see what he looks like below)

Can you explore what two numbers when added together make 9. I will give you one to start 1+8=9. What other ways can you think of? Can you write them down?


R.E. - In our R.E. this half term we are going to be looking at the Easter story and doing lots of different Easter activities.  First we are thinking about spring. What signs of spring do you know? Watch the video below and look at the different signs of spring. Can you draw some of the signs you spotted?


Friday 26.2.21

Reading - This week's ditty is called 'Naps' Practise those speed sounds, green and red words then read the story. Don't forget I would love to see some videos of you reading. I have had some lovely ones of some of you already. Great!


Fine Motor skills - Tweezers/ tongs or pegs. There are two different ideas to have a go at. (You don't have to do both!)

1- Find some pegs in your house and peg them to something like in the picture below. You could even make a pattern if your pegs are different colours.

2 - Get some tweezers and tongs and practise using them to move different objects from one place to another. 



Music - Take part in the oak academy lesson to learn some songs and activities all about growing and planting in the garden.


P4C - Your thinking question for today is.... Would it be good if animals could talk. Watch the video to see what Spot and Stripe think. What do you think?
