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Week 6 11/05/20

Week 6

Day 1:

  • Learn new spellings
  • Complete day 1 of maths
  • Complete your phonics review for RWI
  • Today I want you to think about what you can do at home to keep smiling. I have attached a 'grow your own rainbow' experiment underneath. Can you grow your own rainbow at home? You could video this and see how long it takes to grow. Once you've grown your rainbow, could you use the same method to grow something else?

Day 2:

  • Practice your spellings
  • Complete day 2 of maths
  • Complete day 2 of RWI for phonics
  • Can you remember the story of Sidney the Spider? See if you can tell the story, if not re-read it! The complete page 14 of the writing booklet. Your task today is to go on a minibeast hunt. Please remember to first use your garden, or use your daily walk with an adult to find some minibeasts! Can you take some pictures of them to remember which ones you found? The use the sentence starters and 'and' to write your sentences. 




Day 3:

  • Practice your spellings
  • Complete day 3 of maths
  • Complete day 3 of RWI for phonics
  • Today I would like you to have a go at a science experiment. Sink or float? Below I have attached a sheet. If you want you can use this, or just use this as an example! Pick 5 objects. Make predictions on whether you think those objects will sink or float in water! Then test it out. Were you right? Let me know on twitter, @MissRustonMPS.

Day 4:

  • Practice your spellings
  • Complete day 4 of maths
  • Complete day 4 of RWI for phonics
  • Remember your mini-beast hunt? Your next task is to remember one of the mini beasts you found. Using page 15 in the writing booklet, write a fact file for your mini beast!




Day 5:

  • Have a spelling test! Let me know your score.
  • Complete day 4 of maths, including your friends of 10 challenge!
  • Your last task for Sidney the Spider is to bake spider biscuits for Sidney's party! The recipe is linked on page 16 of the writing booklet. If you can't get the ingredients to bake the biscuits, you could decorate some biscuits or design a biscuit in your books!