Home Page

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


Hello and welcome to Year 3..

Please feel free to explore our page and take a look at what we've been up to!




Class Teacher - Miss Cook

Class TA - Miss Moore

SEN TA - Mrs Smith

Class Cover - Mrs Willson and Mrs Howard



Our Summer P.E days are Monday and Tuesday. As the weather is improving we will take the children outside for P.E when possible so please make sure children have suitable P.E kit including outdoor footwear.

On both of these days P.E is the last lesson of the day; so please bare with us as the children get changed and make their way out of school. 



Homework is given out on a Friday. Children who return their homework before Tuesday will receive two spots on our reward chart. Children that return their homework after Tuesday will receive one spot.

Spellings are given out on a Monday and should be learnt in preparation for a spelling test on Friday.
