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What does safeguarding mean?

Safeguarding encompasses all aspects of keeping children safe and ensuring they feel safe.  At Marshlands Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that we do our upmost to keep our children safe.  

The school's designated safeguarding lead (DSL) is Mrs Tang and the deputy designated safeguarding lead (DDSL) is Mrs Wright.    The school's designated safeguarding governor is Miss Julie Campey.   The designated teacher for CLA (children looked after) is Mrs Wright.



             Stacey Tang - Safeguarding Lead                                            Kerry Wright - Deputy Safeguarding Lead



Safeguarding is vast and varied and can include:

  • Ensuring our school site is safe and secure.
  • Following health and safety policies and procedures.
  • Promoting good behaviour and protecting pupils from bullying, racism, discrimination , radicalisation and sexual harassment.
  • Teaching the children how to stay safe, be healthy, make positive contributions and acquire life skill.
  • Ensuring that we meet the needs of all children, including those with medical conditions.
  • Child protection and welfare.
  • Working with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
  • Ensuring that all people who work in school or volunteer are suitable and have had all the necessary checks.
  • Following the safer recruitment guidance.

Child Protection

Child protection and welfare is at the heart of everything we do.  The school has many policies and procedures (see policy page)  in place, which all staff and governors follow.  The whole team, including governors receive regular updates regarding policies and procedures and have training in child protection.

Any concerns raised are recorded and monitored and referrals to other agencies are made if needed.  All staff are required to raise any concerns, even if they feel these are minor issues - as the welfare of pupils is our priority.


Any concerns regarding staff members or volunteers would be referred to the East Riding Child Protection LADO, Siobhan Bath and Jayne Hammill.  They can be contacted on:


The school works closely with other agencies and attend meeting as necessary.  School will also challenge decisions by other agencies, if they feel the needs of children are not being met.  


The school submit an annual safeguarding report to the local authority and the headteacher reports termly to the governor safeguarding committee. The school also submits a safeguarding audit to the local authority every three years.

Links with Other Agencies

Our main priority will always be the well being and safety of pupils and we therefore may need to seek external advise before contacting parents. This procedure is set out in the local authority guidance and forms part of our child protection policy. 


We are also able to refer to a wide network of external support such as:

-School nurse

-Educational Psychologist

-Early Help Hub

-Social Care

-Behaviour Support

-CAHMS (child and adolescent mental health services)

-Neurodiversity Team

Links to Policies and Guidance

The polices and guidance below are used by school staff to keep our pupils and families safe.



Information Sharing

We are legally required to collect certain information from parents when their child begins school.  These include:

-Emergency contact details (Ideally two per child)

-Specific dietary requirements or food allergies. 

-Health information.

-Information on who has legal contact with the child, including who has parental responsibility. 


Parental permission is also sought for any emergency medical advice and additional emergency contacts, other than parents.


Who can I contact if I am concerned?

School designated safeguarding lead - Mrs Stacey Tang,  01405 765094 or 07719612288

Deputy safeguarding leads - Mrs Wright,  01405 765094

Child protection governor - Miss Julie Campey at

Health and safety governor - Mr Daniel Howard at

*Safeguarding Hub  Child protection referrals and advice, 01482 395500

Emergency duty team out of hours, 01482 393939

Goole safeguarding team open cases, 01482 396842

Early Help Support Hub (Goole):  

Early Help Support Help general number: 01482 396469

East Riding LADO Siobhan Bath and Jayne Hammill  allegations against staff and volunteers:


*members of the public are able to call this number without leaving their own personal details.

Our School Site

At the start of the school day, we open both external gates for pupils to use.  We also open both internal gates and these are supervised by staff members.  The headteacher stands outside to meet and great parents every morning and any concerns can be raised with her.  

Once registration closes, the two internal gates are locked - securing the pupils inside.  Only one external gate is left open, to allow access to the school reception.

The main car park gates are closed at 8 0'clock and access after this time can be accessed via the button contacting the school reception. 

Access into school from either the staff entrance or the main reception, is though a secure door.  All visitors report to reception and sign in.

At playtimes and lunchtimes, staff supervise the children at all times.  Play equipment is regularly checked to ensure that it is in a suitable and safe condition.

The school also has CCTV in operation.



First Aid

All members of staff are trained in basic first aid and this is updated regularly.  Any accidents are logged and copies of the accident slip are sent home to parents.  

Alongside basic first aid, the school have designated first aid staff.  These are:


Miss Coles - Paediatric first aid.

Mrs Laverack - First aid trained.

Mr Maddison - First aid trained.

Mrs E Smith - First aid and paediatric first aid.

Mrs Oliver - First aid trained

Mrs Drakeley - First aid trained



The school also has several staff members trained in medical conditions such as diabetes.


The school has an AED device in school and several staff members are trained to use this.  


Health and Safety

The school undertakes a termly health and safety audit of the classrooms and the governor with responsibility for health and safety (Mr Daniel Howard), undertakes an annual audit.  The school must address any issues raised.  Health and safety is also discussed at the termly governor safeguarding committee meetings.

The caretaker undertakes a site inspection daily and carries out several weekly and monthly checks, in line with health and safety guidance.

Keeping Children Safe

We strive to keep all our pupils safe and have several initiatives in place.  These include:

  • Annual safeguarding training/update for all staff.
  • Training and CPD for staff.
  • Annual CP report to the local authority. 
  • Termly safeguarding governor report and committee meetings.
  • Policies.
  • Information leaflets for parents on the website.
  • Strict home time arrangements.
  • Pedestrian training for pupils.
  • Scooter training for pupils.
  • Basic first aid for all staff.
  • Prevent training for all staff and information for parents.
  • Operation Encompass.
  • Y6 participate in Bus wise.
  • NSPCC assemblies and workshops for pupils including  PANTS rule.
  • Drug awareness workshops for y6.
  • Staff on duty during all breaks.
  • Gates locked to secure the site.
  • Fob system installed to limit access to the main buildings. 
  • Staff supervising gates during the times they are open.
  • E-Safety workshops for parents.
  • CP induction pack for all new staff and volunteers.
  • All governors have training in safer recruitment.
  • Fire drills.
  • Sex education (y6)
  • British Values.
  • Rights of a child assemblies.
  • Healthy lifestyle award.
  • Internet safety week and lessons for all pupils.
  • Addressing local issues ie road safety when lorries where near school for the wind farm, rail safety when the local authority identified a regional issue. 
  • Mini Medic first aid club for pupils, run by an external provider.
  • Free bike health check to ensure bikes are roadworthy and safe.

Operation Encompass

Our school is part of the national Operation Encompass scheme, which develops links between school, the local authority and the police.

The scheme allows school to be notified the next day, when a pupil has experienced a domestic incident or a domestic incident has occurred in their home.   Our DSL and DDSL are trained in this and it allows us, confidentially, to support the pupil/s.

The 2021 Domestic Abuse Act identifies children who experience domestic abuse as victims in their own right.  In receiving information early, school are better placed to support the pupil on their return to school. 

For more information, please visit: 

Safer Recruitment

We follow the local authority safer recruitment procedures and guidance for KCSIE.  This includes specific questions during interviews and ensuring all staff are CRB clear before starting employment.  There will always be at least one member of the interview panel trained in safer recruitment.  
