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Week 5 Activities 4/5/20

Week 5

Four calculations test
VE Day resources
Grammar activity
Maths Resources
Maths Warm Ups

Day 1:

  • Learn your spellings for the week - watch the Power-Point and write your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete today's PE lesson with Joe Wicks online at . Or if you fancy something a bit less strenuous this morning choose one of Cosmic Kids yoga sessions instead
  • Complete Day 1 of this week's Maths Warm Up in your exercise book. See document above.
  • Something a bit different to start the week ... a mathematical story! Remember all the fun we had counting up to 100 days of school? Well, I've discovered a story called '100 days of Cool' and its all about how another class of children count up and celebrate their day. Watch and listen at
  • In the story the children think of lots of cool ideas to lead them to 100 days of school. What would you have done and what day would it have been on (day 7, day 14, day 74 or another day?) In your exercise book, draw a picture or write a sentence to describe your idea.  
  • For English open the PDF below. What would you find in the suitcase? Use the record sheet or write your ideas in your exercise book.
  • Get ready for VE Day on Friday and design your own medal. See the VE Day resources above.

Day 2:


  • Practice your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete today's PE lesson with Joe Wicks online at . Or try one of the new Cosmic Kids yoga sessions
  • Complete Day 2 of this week's Maths Warm Up in your exercise book. See document above.
  • See the Maths Activities document above for today's worksheet. This week we're going to be recapping our number bonds to 20. Look at the rainbow - isn't it cool? Then, complete the number sticks and number sentences on the following two pages.
  • For English, open the PDF below. Think about what the toys would do if they were alive? Where would they go? What would they do? What might they say to each other? Record your ideas in your exercise book or on the recording sheet.
  • Get ready for VE Day on Friday and make some bunting to hang up outside. See the VE Day resources above.
  • Do a good deed! Can you do something helpful without been asked and without telling someone that you've done it? Maybe you could tidy your room, put your clothes away, sweep the floor or wipe the side ... see how long it takes them to notice ... try not to give the game away! ;)

Day 3:


  • Practice your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete today's PE lesson with Joe Wicks online at . Or try one of the Cosmic Kids yoga sessions ... can you find one that you haven't completed yet?
  • Complete Day 3 of this week's Maths Warm Up in your exercise book. See document above.
  • See the Maths Activities document above for today's worksheets. Today you need to use your friends of twenty knowledge! Count the white circles on each image and write a number in the box to complete the number sentence to 20.
  • For English, open the PDF. Think about your perfect holiday. Where would you go? What would you do? Use the recording sheet or your exercise book to record your ideas.
  • For VE Day, why not colour the Union Jack flag and hang it up in your window. See the VE Day resources above.
  • Why not create a obstacle course in the garden for someone who lives with you to complete? Maybe they'll have to put on a hat, scarf and gloves, climb over or under obstacles, run round things ... make sure it's safe though; you don't want any accidents! You could time them ... can they get quicker? But why should they have all the fun? You could have a go too, show them how it should be done! Can you do it quicker?


Day 4:


  • Practice your spellings in your exercise book.
  • Complete today's PE lesson with Joe Wicks online at . Or try one of the  Cosmic Kids yoga sessions for a good stretch!
  • Complete Day 4 of this week's Maths Warm Up in your exercise book. See document above.
  • See the Maths Activities document above for today's worksheet. Today you have to complete 4 challenge cards. On each of them there's a bar model, you have to read the question and then find the missing part to 20.
  • For English, open the PDF below. What would you do if aliens visited you house? Where would you take the alien? What would you do together? Record your ideas in your exercise book or on the recording sheet.
  • Tomorrow is VE Day. It's 75 years since the end of World War II. VE stands for Victory in Europe. There were lots of parties and events planned to commemorate this special day but unfortunately they've had to be cancelled because of the lockdown. Many people are planning a picnic party in their front gardens so that they can keep safe but still see their neighbours. Do you have anything planned? We're having a picnic party. We're going to have sausage rolls and sandwiches, trifle and scones! We're going to play some old fashioned music and dress up in old fashioned clothes! We're also going to decorate our house red, white and blue!
  • If you want to know more about VE Day you can read the document below or visit

Day 5:


  • Test ...
  • 75 years ago, at the end of the war, people didn't have a lot of money to spend on parties so they had to make a lot of things themselves. We're going to make our own paper hats. Why don't you have a try? It's a bit like making a paper aeroplane! If you don't have a ruler don't worry you can guess the halfway point. Why not post a photo of you wearing your hat to the Beech Class Twitter account?
  • How to make a paper hat ...