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Week Commencing 15.6.20

Hello Everyone, 

Please find below this week's home learning. We would love to see what you have been doing. You can get in touch with us on twitter to share your work or just to say hello. Stay safe. laugh



Reading - 

  • Check out the phonics play website. There are some great games on there and it is still free to access at the moment (In F2 we concentrate on phase 2 and 3 phonics)  - 

Writing  - 

  • Make a list of animals from the story Handa's Suprise. Write a sentence about your favourite animal. 
  • Research your favourite animal and make a fact sheet about it. You could set it out something like this. 
  • Complete the book review about Handa's Surprise: 

Maths - 

This week we will be focussing on time and days of the week.

  • Practise the days of the week song - 
  • Have a go at putting the days of the week in order by making a paper chain. You can make your own or download the one below. Practise writing the days and colouring them in too. (adults you may have to help read the days of the week)
  • Make a time table of what you do each day or each week? You could draw or write what you do. Like our timetable at school




  • How many things can you do in one minute. Use the one minute timer below and see what you can do in a minute e.g. how many times can you jump, how many times can you write your name, what number can you write up to etc.
  • one minute timer - 
Some other time activities you could try:

Creative  - 

Some creative ideas for you to try:
