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Week commencing 22.02.21

Week commencing 22.02.21





In the lesson, we are going to learn about the features of explanation texts, such as the way they are organised and their language features.



Here are this week’s spellings adding the prefix ‘mis’

Misspell      Mislead      Mistreat      Misbehave      Mistrust       Misprint      Misuse      Misplace



Warm-up - Counting in 5s helps us with telling the time. Use this Scratch Garden song to help with this important skill.


In this lesson you will learn to correctly use am and pm to read and record time.



In this lesson we will be learning about Siddhartha Gautama. He is the first individual to have achieved enlightenment through the practice of meditation. He became known as Buddha, which means ‘the enlightened one’. We will learn about his life and his journey to enlightenment. You will need a piece of paper, a pen and your brain.



Practice how to say your name and ask others their names.  -





In this lesson, we will explore compound words. We will learn what they are and look at some examples. 10 spelling words will be explained and set to learn.



Warm-up; here’s another Scratch Garden video to help us with time. It helps to introduce us to the link between analogue and digital clocks.


In this lesson you will learn to tell the time, using minutes past, on a digital clock.



In this lesson, you will be able to identify basic human rights, including the rights of children. You will write a letter to the United Nations pleading with them to ensure that all children are given the right to an education.


Topic - history

In this lesson we will learn about how the Romans changed Britain. We will begin by looking at how the Romans built roads and then look at how they introduced new methods to keep their towns and cities clean. Finally, we will explore how the Romans governed Britain.




Wellness Wednesday - see the pdf document below





In this lesson, we are going to learn how to use apostrophes to show possession for plural nouns.



Warm-up – Ever heard of Jonny and the Raindrops? Listen to this catchy song to remind us about how to tell the time.


In this lesson you will learn to read and order the time on different clocks and read and order time in written form.



We're moving on from our unit magnets & forces and starting our new unit on plants. In this lesson we are going to learn about what plants need to grow. Then we will learn about variables in order to set up a simple experiment to test the effect of water on the growth of a plant.



Children will be involved in activities introducing running stride, basic throwing actions & simple stretches as part of a cool-down.

  • Please note this lesson will require some physical exercise and additional equipment, beyond a pen, pencil or paper.
  • Please see the equipment slide near the start of the lesson video and make sure your child is adequately supervised when equipment is required.
  • Parents and carers are responsible for ensuring that children follow the correct safety advice provided at the start of this lesson and the instructions the teacher gives during the lesson.
  • Parents and carers are responsible for supervising activities where required and for seeking medical advice in advance if your child has a medical condition that may prevent them taking part in physical activity.






In this lesson, we are going to learn how bees make honey and order each part of the process. Children will draw simple pictures or diagrams to illustrate the sequence.



Warm-up – a different 8 times table for you this week; join the Adventurists! Because it’s new to you, you might want to watch it a couple of times through 😊


In this lesson you will learn the different ways to measure intervals of time.



To complement our history topic on Romans, learn this song "Just like a Roman"!/home/SongBank/Activity



In this lesson you will search and order a database to answer questions.



Look on the website for your groups reading activity.


Additional activities

PICTURE THIS! The Pobble365 website post a new picture on their homepage everyday. Why not take a look and use your imagination to answer the questions beneath.

HOW PRETTY! Learn how to draw flowers.

HOW TALL CAN YOU GO? Use whatever you've got at home to build the tallest tower you can. Books, toilet rolls, empty cereal packets, Lego. Can you make it taller than you?

SEASON FOR SEEDS! The keyworker children are going to be planting some seeds this week. Why not see if you can get hold of some seeds and compost and grow a little pot of loveliness!

SHADOW PICTURES! It's going to be sunny this week so why not have fun drawing around your toy's shadow?Grab a toy, a piece of paper and a pencil and place your toy on the paper. You should then see your toy's shadow on the paper. If the sun doesn't shine then you could shine a lamp or torch on your toy instead. 




