Here are some activities to keep you busy this week...
Remember there is no pressure to complete them, but they are here IF you wish to.
Miss Thorp and Mrs Wright would love to see what you are all getting up to...
You can use the book that you took home to record anything.
Alternatively, you can let us know on twitter or by email.
Miss Thorp's email -
Mrs Wright's email -
P.E. for all of the family. 9am on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
(Adult supervision required)
Watch the story 'The Sun and the Wind'
You might want to watch it a couple of times and then see if you can answer these questions:
- who are the characters in the story?
- who tried to 'show off'?
- who was the strongest?
Writing/Mark Making
We are approaching the end of this school year. Think about your favourite thing to do at school e.g. playing with marble run, the trains, looking at the books, painting, playing with playdough, water or sand or playing outside. Can you draw a picture of your favourite thing to do at school?
Please send your pictures to us, we would love to see them.
Watch the numberblocks episode - 'The Terrible Twos'
(Adult supervision required)
Can you make some 'terrible twos'? You could use blocks or lego, or you could draw them.
Groovy Movers
It's 'head, shoulders, knees and toes this week', let's get moving...
(Adult supervision required)
Get your grown ups to join in too, I'm sure they will love this as much as you do!
Can you make a rock creature?
Find a rock or stone, paint or draw on it to make it look like an animal or insect.
(Images for ideas at the bottom of the page)
Don't forget to send us a picture of what you have made!
Understanding the World
Go on a technology hunt in your house.
Can you find all of the things that need to be plugged in or turned on to work? (Don't touch the plugs!)
Draw a picture of the things that you find. We would love to see what you have found!
Stay safe, smile and keep washing your hands!
We are missing you lots!