Here you will find lots of useful information and pictures of the exciting things we will be doing in class.
Class Teacher - Miss Nicholls
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Kazemi / Mr Thompson
Nursery Nurse - Mrs Smith
Other adults: Mrs Gormley, Miss S.
Class Cover (Weds PM, Fri PM) - Mr Thompson
Our P.E. DAY is FRIDAY AFTERNOON Due to the current circumstances we are asking that children come to school already dressed in their P.E. kits. Which is as follows:
Shorts or jogging bottoms when the weather is cold.
white t shirt
School jumper over the top of their kit.
Homework - Homework is a half termly Homework Menu. It can be found on the website/Class Dojo and a paper copy will be sent home .We would love to see your learning by sending photos and things through Class Dojo
Home reading- Children's reading books will be changed on a Monday after school and returned on a Tuesday. Please make sure that the children return their book and reading record on a Monday so we can change them.
Any questions do not hesitate to make an appointment to come and see us or alternatively you could message through Class Dojo.
Thank you for your continued support